Fractal phoenix is not exactly a new strategy. But... I have not seen that many decks that incorporate silence and bravery into it...apologies if I accidentally copied anyone.
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7dg 7dm 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7f2 80i 80i 80i 80k 80k 80k 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 8po
You can also go -1 aether pendulum plus 1 silence, depending on if you want more lockdown or quanta. Adding plus 1 silence gives you better odds against rush.
Pros: Faster than it looks (fractal phoenix usually around turn 5, win by 7-8)
Basically immune to CC cause minor phoenixes are awesome.
Lockdown element: If you can silence them after using fractal ( as in use silence, then fractal, then usually silence again) you auto win (not kidding): In essence, the opponent dosent see it coming and you virtually cant lose if you get a good hand (unless they play a boring 4 turn rush, but even then an early silence slows down considerably and THOSE rushes usually involve bravery too (giving you an advantage).
Insanely fun!
Can be used a a TTK or whatever it's called a lot of the time.
Easy to use.
That 1 explosion may not seem like a lot, but with 6 it can actually defeat wings/phase shields decks as you can use it then silence them afterwards.
Cons: As mentioned before, rush can beat this.
If the opponent get's enough creatures out against you before you can lockdown, you can lose.
It's annoying to have braveries in hand when they have a full hand and are silenced.
Needs tweaking! Suggestions, if you can, please! Thank you!
edit: can go -1 bravery for plus 1 explosion or possibly even silence too.