The main problem I see here is the CC alot of AI5 opponents have.
Halfbloods are usually quite unpredictable, since they have such a wide variety of cards. But antimattering one of your dragons, firestorming your recluses, momentum, various shields and weapons can do this deck alot of harm.
I would make the following changes:
- 2 Soul Catchers (6 is overdoing it)
- 1 Ivory Dragon
- 1 bonewall (I'm not sure about this)
+ 2 Arsenic
+ 2 Antimatter (since you have no healing)
This way at least you got some poison to finish off shielded opponents when necessairy. The Antimatters will give you some healing while boneshields keep the defense up.
I like death based decks alot btw, nice job.