Player skill is usually negligible. It has less weight than RNG and hardly any weight at all compared to deck matchups.
Well, as I am still new to elements pvp here, I will have to bow to your expertise. But if skill is so negligible, why not just have everyone submit their decks to computer controlled AI's instead?
You're just giving players decks (and spamming the forum as well, btw). This gives players less incentive to build their own decks.
Now here I admit I got carried away. I was excited to share my ideas with others, and give and receive feedback. Mainly because I greatly enjoy building decks, particularly when there is a restriction to make coming up with good ideas harder. I was excited by the challenge that this tournaments deck building guidelines set forth. I apologize if I posted too often, too fast. Indeed looking back I may have crossed the line into spamming at some point and I am sorry if that has detracted from others enjoyment / use of this board.
However, it was never my intention to just give away deck ideas, but rather have some posted that I thought would give some good topics of discussion, which was what I was trying to do. That is the point of these forums right? To provide an avenue for people to discuss the aspects of the game they find interesting / exciting.
Lastly, I didnt "just" post decks. I also made observations on what I saw as some of the more interesting challenges that the more restricted set of available cards puts forth. (see the seventh post for the water/death deck). For instance the fact that fire bolts, ice bolts and drain life are now gone. I was hoping that this would generate a response and discussion, along with new ideas and insights from others.
By the way, as you seem to have a lot of experience in pvp as evident from your awards, would you care to put your two cents in on this point?
[*best Howard Cossell impersonation*] Root Ranger, your roster of achievements indeed designates YOU as major contender in Saturdays upcoming tournament, which is sure to be a spectical of EPICAL proportions. How do you feel that the restricted guidlines of dueling equipment fabrication will impact the metagame and deckbuilding strategy of the upcoming event? [*passes microphone to root ranger*]
You mean copying the decks of others instead of learning deckbuildilng and strategy themselves? That's not helping them become better.
Actually, no I don't mean copying decks, I mean what I said. Discussing the implications that the more restricted card set will have regarding the challenge of strategic deck building. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Now, again, I admit I got a little overzealous in my posting. I was having fun. I was hoping others would join in as well.
If you feel that putting up examples here is that detrimental you are entitled to your opinion. I was hoping by posting actual decks it would get people to think and come up with new ideas of their own. Not copy. Maybe your right though and everyone is just looking to jack each others ideas... I think thats a bit overly cynical myself, but hey maybe I'm just naive
I was not trying to take the fun out of the game by enumerating every possible deck combination. If I had wanted to do that, I would have written a bash script to recurse over all previously posted decks and correlate the deck codes to the list of the ones that will be allowed in the tournaments.
I'm doing this for fun. I didn't spend hours pouring over the rules and knit pick every possible deck combination. So again I'm not trying to enumerate every single deck combination in an attempt to take the fun out of the game. I just noticed, as I was putting together a deck idea for the tournament, that the task was more challenging than I at first anticipated and wanted to share with others.
Topics like these make tourneys worse, not more fun.
If its that large of a concern then tell me:
1) what would you have me do differently to meet the goal I am after, encouraging discussing of a unique challenge in deck building, without promoting others to copy, to help people better their own skills by learning from the insights of others.
The purpose of tournaments is to be one of the few events left on the forums that actually involves skill.
Interesting. Please elaborate. Are you saying that pvp tournaments are the only avenue left in the game where skill is needed? If so explain why.
It makes me sick when I see people like you trying to remove the skill in the game.
Wow... that was a bit... vitriolic. Chill out man, its just a game. Life is too short to be angry and bitter. If you are getting such a negative visceral response about someone from a post about a game, you may want to take a step back and breathe before you go into a rage and knife somebody. Its not like we're competing for a million dollar prize or something.
Again I will state that I never intended to lessen the amount of skill needed for the tournament. This topic was not created as an attack on the tournament, or anyone / anything else. Quite to the contrary, I was hoping it would provide a means for others like myself who are still learning the art of deck building and find this unique rule set an opportunity for self improvement, to have an enjoyable community discussion with each other. If you believe the way I handled this topic was tragically wrong and dont want see other like it, then explain how do it properly in the future.
I admit, I haven't played a lot of pvp yet. But I am excited to start. So far all I've seen from you is a lot of negativity and nothing constructive. Please dont tear people down so much. THAT definitely detracts from enjoyment of the game.
Luckily, these deck ideas really aren't that great, and you haven't made much of a dent in this tournament's metagame
Well, yes, they weren't meant to be tournament winning decks. They were meant to get the ball rolling on discussion. Your list of awards indicate you definitely have experience on what a competitive deck needs, and how to handle the metagame as well. Would you care to elaborate on weaknessess / strengths of one of the decks so that other can benefit from your insights? Could you comment on the current state of the tournament metagame and how the rule set will make it different and unique from the standard elements game?
What advice would you give to those who are just starting out in pvp?
I created this topic so others could learn to play better. You seem to be a veteran, so who better to learn from.
-P.S. Since I realize that some of these feedback requests may fall out of the limited scope of this board, feel free to post in the appropriate section. Or let me know so I and I will open the topics myself on the appropriate board.