The title should say it all, what this deck is based upon accomplishing. I'm kind of surprised that there wasn't a deck based on this concept since dune scorpion is based on punishing your opponent for playing more cards, and Eternity is based on making your opponent play their cards multiple times. As a note, this deck only works unupgraded for pvp, upgraded too many of the counters become easy to attain, although I am in the process of working on an upgraded version. The main reason this deck won't work upgraded is that it doesn't gain anything other than speed from upgrades, and when everything is going faster, those first couple turns where you 'might' not have that card you need sting a lot more. But I won't stall the deck's presentation any longer.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5ll 5ll 5ll 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5ro 5ro 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 8pq
It has had a lot of success in my test runs, having played ~25 matches and only losing about 5, and half of those I probably could have won if I played smarter. Two general rules I've found are "If you have a choice between delaying your Dune Scorp and rewinding something, be defensive. And if you've facing a good rainbow who you suspect has a deflag or steal, play your crusader the turn before so you can Endow it before they get the chance to destroy it.
Eternity Perseverance: Your opponent needs both CC and PC to stop you from rewinding, meaning in a deck that lacks one of these, you cannot be stalled unless they somehow quanta denial you. And unless they get rid of both of your sanctuaries they can't do that.
Stalling Drawing: This deck has 6 sundials, and so unless quanta denied can quickly burn through itself to find what is needed for combinations, and hold opponents at bay while the poison takes its toll, and heal a little on its own as well.
Pro Tower Split: With 7 Time Pillars, 3 Time Pendulums, 1 Light Pillar, and 1 Light Pendulum, earthquakes will have a hard time targeting the right stacks. This is mostly stylistic, you can go 5 Time Pillars and 7 Time Pendulums, or 5 Time Pillars, 5 Time Pendulums, 1 Light Pillar, and 1 Light Pendulum, or some other combination and get the same result. I just prefer getting two light towers in somehow so I can split them up between pendulum and pillar.
Any shield that protects for 3+: In unupgraded this is only Hope so its not too much of a concern, although bone wall can be a pain.
Purify: My one encounter was in the rainbow deck I mentioned earlier, but if you suspect your opponent will have purifies you should save a dune scorp-bless combo to reinfect. In unupgraded you reinfect instantly.
Extreme Rush: Anything that can kill the deck before it gets its Eternity out to rewind, or can swarm faster than be rewound will cause havoc.
Permanent Control: As I mentioned earlier, your opponent needs both permanent and CC to stop your rewinds, but this will still tug at you, especially in the form of pulvy/butterfly effect.
Bad Draws: Occasionally stupid things will happen, like all three of your scorpions being on the bottom 6 cards of your deck. (Actually happened.) There are some decks immune to bad draws. This isn't one of them.
I'm currently questioning if the sanctuaries are really necessary, they help with a little protection and healing, but taking one out might make the deck run slightly smoother.
Updated a little bit with the newer form. While earthquake is harder to kill with the bigger tower split, it actually makes explosions and steals 'more' effective. Also, its less consistent that way, and switching around Sancs for Crusaders to give more consistency on that front.