Hi, I've brought you stats for 50 games.
Games (AI3): 50
avg. Sec/Game: 121.920
Sec/Turn: 11.14442413
Clicks/Game: 33.620
Clicks/Turn: 3.073126143
Score/Min: 7.933070866
Electrum/Min: 8.818897638
Time overall (min.): 101.600
Wins: 37
Ems: 18
Losses: 13
Score: 806
Electrum: 896
Avg ttw: 7.460
ttw Details:
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 0
ttw 5: 0
ttw 6: 0
ttw 7: 7
ttw 8: 5
ttw 9: 10
ttw 10: 2
ttw 11: 2
ttw 12: 4
ttw 13: 2
ttw 14: 2
ttw 15: 1
ttw 16: 1
Good news is, that's a nice TTW value for an unupped deck. The bad news is that that's with 13 losses... which means that your games are guaranteed to take longer (losses generally means > time consumed of course).
I still feel the need for this deck to use Novas to speed things up. As it stands, unless your opponent gets out a turn 2 Discord in AI3, you will
never inflict more than 1 damage by turn 2. This is incredibly crippling to such a deck since it takes a full turn more before you can set off the deck.
Now, things I've noticed while playing:
1) CC is EVIL. Every elder has CC, and each one of them poses just about as great a threat as the others.


spams Lightning against Rustlers, Reverse Time against Dragons.

...spams everything, early Fire Shields make it impossible to win.

Freezes Rustlers and makes getting out Dragons an insanely burdensome task,

elder's Chaos Seeds mess up Rustlers almost every time, Devourer sucks up your

necessary to playing Rustlers, and Discord just messes you up,

has both Otys and Gravity Shield; either of these coming out early makes it impossible to win 9 times out of 10, and

has Thunderstorms and OE to kill off the poor guys.
2) Countering threats: Try not to play multiple Rustlers each turn unless you absolutely have to. Missing a Rustler means that your deck is finished; it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that you keep it alive at all costs. Against opponents with Thunderstorm or Plague, it's usually best to not play more than one or two Rustlers at a time. Convert all


ASAP and having your little critters get zapped won't be as hazardous.
That said, 18 EMs is fantastic for an unupped deck with this speed. Perhaps it could be capable of some tweaking, but for now this is excellent.