
Offline ItzSeanTopic starter

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Overly Patient Physilias [Pvp2] [TTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« on: September 10, 2012, 10:05:16 pm »
Are you tired of those old rusty steam machines that wont ever seem to keep their attack boosts? Not anymore!

Hi, Billy Mays ItzSean here with Overly Patient Physalias. Before, if you wanted high attack growth water creatures, you had to deal with all that messy fire quanta. Not OPP!

It has the strength to gain 5 attack and 1 HP per turn! Guarrenteed.

Not only is OPP strong, it's super fast. On average, you can take down the opponent in under 9 turns! On a good draw.

Pesky shields always getting in your way? Not a problem. With OPP, just throw in some momentum, and blast right through them. With confidence.

Not convinced yet? Hear what these people have to say who had tried OPP.

After using this deck for a week I've already gained a level in the Arena.  Overly Patient Physilias also cured my chronic back pain and I no longer overeat while grinding.  Thanks ItzSean!
After using this deck for a week I've gotten an incredible 12 winning streak in PvP2. Oh, and get this! I finally won those four shards I needed for Instosis. Thing is, this deck gave me more electrum than Instosis could! I'm absolutely hooked! Thanks ItzSean!

If your score doesnt improve within 30 days, just send it back, for a full refund! Guarenteed. Not really..

But I'm not done yet! Call RIGHT now, and we'll include this wonderful creature.

Great for freezing your opposition and slowing them down whenever you need to. Absolutely free.

With 3 cheap and easy payment of 15,000 electrum, this wonderful deck can be yours and in no time at all, you'll be 'driving' your way to success.

Here's how to order:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
744 744 744 744 744 744 744 74a 74a 74i 74i 74i 74i 74i 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 8pp

Call 1-800-565-7635 for your very own Overly Patient Physilias for 3 easy payments of 15,000 electrum and get your very own arctic octopus for free. Just pay shipping and handling

Spoiler for Hidden:
Really though, simple twist on an old deck. Not the fastest, but it works. Play Physilia. Play SoPa, then overdrive whenever you get the chance. Unstoppable for busting though shields. Congeals are obvious. If this has been done, Im sorry ahead of time. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Probably would work a lot better with squids, but couldn't figure out how to balance the quanta.

Spoiler for Editted deck and other changes:
Changed the water pillars for more congeals for a better stall. Another possible change would be -1 Overdrive/SoP, +1 Unstoppable for better shield pentration or maybe even a permafrost if you can spare the water quanta. Finally, in alot of the cases, it isnt fast enough to go for the OTK in PvP2 or at least my luck hasnt faired well. Your best bet is to go for a TTK, changing the title as well. Stupid me, forgot to add in a PvP2 tag. Works fine in PvP1 as well, but the quanta's a bit more strained with the 5 cost SoPas. Also, it works for AI3, Bronze, and silver on a good draw. Occasionally AI4, but don't hold your breath.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 11:29:20 pm by ItzSean »
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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 03:37:56 pm »
I'm actually more amused by the story around it than the deck itself :P Haha, nah, just kidding! You should add an inundation in there, would work wonders in speeding things up :D

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2012, 03:52:10 pm »
Does it really work? I would replace physalias for squids and pack lots of  :water for control
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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2012, 04:06:22 pm »
You don't need the Water Tower. Just splash the Phys and some Freeze (GP is an alternative) and you're done.
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Offline ItzSeanTopic starter

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 10:54:25 pm »
Does it really work? I would replace physalias for squids and pack lots of  :water for control
Yeah, quite well if you can get a great starting hand.  Like I said in the spoiler, I didn't know how to balance the bunches of water towers you'd need. Grant it, SoPaSteams would be one attack quicker with much higher hp for survivablity, but you'd have to make it a trio, which can be rough.

As for indunation, you rarely have all 6 physilias out at once, but if you could, yeah, the phys's growth rate would increase extraordinarily. 9|3 a turn, if i remember correctly that water units in a flooded tile grants +4|+4.

Also, GP really wouldnt work unless you remove SoPa to kill trouble creatures quick, then re-SoPa. I figured the extra towers would help speed along the deck/offer extra control in certain cases.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 11:06:37 pm by ItzSean »
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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2012, 11:15:05 pm »
After using this deck for a week I've already gained a level in the Arena.  Overly Patient Physilias also cured my chronic back pain and I no longer overeat while grinding.  Thanks ItzSean!

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2012, 01:08:29 am »

After using this deck for a week I've gotten an incredible 12 winning streak in PvP2. Oh, and get this! I finally won those four shards I needed for Instosis. Thing is, this deck gave me more electrum than Instosis could! I'm absolutely hooked! Thanks ItzSean!

Offline ItzSeanTopic starter

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [OTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2012, 04:02:59 am »
Added those posts for more laughs. Surely made me lol hard. Any other feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [Pvp2] [TTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2012, 11:10:12 pm »
Looking for someone to get some stats for me, it would be greatly appreciated, since I really have no time for Elements anymore. Thanks to anyone who could go the extra mile for me. Also added in where this should fair the best in the 'edited' spoiler section.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 11:14:45 pm by ItzSean »
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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [Pvp2] [TTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2012, 05:44:50 am »
By The Way Thanks for the Squid ItzSean! This deck is quite fun, not totally effective, but when it works, it is worth the electrum that was payed for it.

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [Pvp2] [TTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2012, 06:28:42 am »
Three weeks ago, I had a similar idea and posted it in the deck help section :)

You might be interested the variations that people have come up with.
Here's the thread.
Notice that they weren't necessarily meant as TTK.

For instance, the following was my final result:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rv 6rv 6rv 6rv 744 744 744 744 744 74g 74g 74i 74i 74i 74i 74i 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pp
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Offline ItzSeanTopic starter

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Re: Overly Patient Physilias [Pvp2] [TTK] [Fun] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 06:38:29 pm »
The upped sundials might throw off the muligan though. Also, the few towers would could mean you dont get any overdrives til it's too late. You need to get an OPP ready within turn two and 7 towers helps that, imo.
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