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710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 714 714 714 71c 71c 71c 71c 71c 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gp 7gp 7gp 7h1 7h1 7h1 8pp
??? cards are Inundates.
It's not final (although it could be depending on how tests go), so tweaking needs to be done. However, I did beat several FG's... including Octane (I'm not sure how difficult he is normally since I've never faced him before). I'd tweak it myself but I have better things I could be doing.
Anyway, basic strategy is to aflatoxin things ASAP (typically stronger cards that can get through permafrost) and get a permafrost out ASAP as well... It's probably best to get a inundate out quickly too, but it should be after your permafrost. If there is any creature control, you'll have to play smart (get rid of as many creatures that kill as you can, or if it's something like EE, play at least two condors at the same time). Taking vultures instead of condors may be good too, so someone should test that out as well.
So ya, post tweaking ideas here and let's see what version(s) work best. I think throwing in some SoG's would be good since there's no healing and that's usually why you lose lol... and tweaking with the towers might be useful as well. Lastly, using an earth mark instead and a few PA's may be another option if you're worried about steals/deflags.
Anyway, have fun :-p