This build fascinates me by using Brimstone Eaters instead of Burning Towers/Fire Pendulums, plus the 96% win rate is pretty darn impressive.
A couple of questions: First, which opponent did you test this against and second, would you say it is fast, average, or what?
I used this deck as a matchup with AI3 and T50. And I accidentally reversed the numbers (ink marks all over the paper).
74 wins
26 losses
AVG Time: 2.431 (Minutes) a game
Pesky little things, I have to spam creatures and shields break this deck, fahrenheit is your main offense when a shield is up.
89 wins
11 losses
AVG Time: 1.593 (Minutes) a game
Half of them were letting me farm them, about 20 of them used life rush. I was able to outrush half of the life rushes with this deck. Quanta absorbtion can take the cremation extra, bone walls are practially useless after the first fractaling, and phase shields can easily stop you, so i just needed luck and it worked