This deck was originally created for AI3's and the T50. I will be updating this topic from time to time with new statistics with Bronze/Silver League results
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 719 719 71a 71a 71b 71b 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71f 71f 8pj
CHAOTIC SCORPIONS: TIME TO ROCK DEM ELDERSBreakdown:This deck is pretty self-explanatory. You get your scorpions out with chaos powers. Then you strike hard with tons of poison. If you're in a little trouble, the bone wall/plague combo can keep you alive for some time. Soul catchers are used to get those bone walls out even faster. It doesn't get overly monotonous, but this is a rush, it's supposed to be () Weaknesses:Sundials: This deck needs to stack up those poisons/ not being able to attack isn't goodUnstable Gas: They're really obnoxious and because this deck doesn't help with getting life back, you will lose if five of these buggers come out... (side note: You can still win against a deck with unstable gases, it's just tougher.)Reverse Time: What a pain these guys are. You really need to be able to stack up your poisons quickly before this comes out. Dragons are a necessity as well.
Life Rushes: These decks are definitely the most annoying. If anything, I would suggest you plague them early and have your bone walls out. Unfortunately you should probably expect a loss if you come facing one of these.
Hey is there an easy way to get elemental masteries with this deck Shrink? Well of course! Play an early bone wall and you should be set for the game. With the low card count you'll probably pick the other bone wall up before the first 7 shields are down!
These are of AI3 Games
Games: 50 | Avg ttw: 8.22 | Avg. sec/game: 75.04 | Wins: 46 | Losses: 4 | Ems: 4 |
posted by - SrM359
Score gained: 820 Electrum gained: 1020 Time overall (min.): 62 Sec/Turn: 9.1 Score/Min: 13.2 Electrum/Min: 16.4 | ttw 3: 0 ttw 4: 0 ttw 5: 0 ttw 6: 0 ttw 7: 14 ttw 8: 18 ttw 9: 10 ttw 10: 0 ttw 11: 2 ttw 12: 2 ttw 13: 0 ttw 14: 0 ttw 15: 0 ttw 16: 0 ttw 17: 0 ttw 18: 0 ttw 19: 0 ttw 20: 0 |
I just want to note that the two Soul Catchers can be swapped out with Ivory Dragons (The cost stays the same upped which is a plus). I had noticed times where I was left with around 50
at the end of match and that's my reasoning for why it's possible to swap these out.
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 711 711 719 719 71a 71a 71b 71b 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e
Depending on whether or not you want an attack bonus with chaos powers or just straight poison, unstoppables may be used as a swap. Here's what it would look like:
710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 711 711 719 719 71a 71a 71b 71b 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a
PLEASE note the mark change from
ArenaHere are a few statistics for Bronze League:
Games: 20 | Avg ttw: 9.33 | Avg. sec/game: 86.1 | Wins: 18 | Losses: 2 | Special Spins: 2 |
3 Wins, Loss, 13 Wins, Loss, 2 Wins
posted by - SrM359
Games: | Avg ttw: | Avg. sec/game: | Wins: | Losses: | Special Spins: |
posted by - SrM359
I have not tested this deck for Silver League at all, but I think it would need to be slightly modified to handle it.
If you have any suggestions to modify this deck in such a way that it still holds its true strategy, please post.