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7ai 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 7js 7js 7js 7k1 7k4 7k4 7k4 8pq
Sick of those pesky rush decks? Sick of not getting those precious EM's that everyone raves about? Sick of just plain losing? Of course you are.
This deck most of the time will render those rush decks useless and more often then not give you that tasty EM.
Strategy:The ideal starting hand has at least a few life pendulums, a ray of light, hope, and a mitosis.
The strategy is to play your pendulums and then wait till you have enough life quanta to place a ray of light down and mitosis it. The ray of light can now multiply for free! Next, you will want to get down a hope as soon as possible. Now you should have a constantly multiplying ray of light and an ever-growing in strength hope shield. Use holy lights and heals to renew health when needed and eventually you will become untouchable due to your hope shield.
The damage alone from the ray of lights often cant finish off an opponent. That is where the light dragons and morning glory come in to finish the job.
Problems encountered by this deck are CC's such as rain of fire and plague. These are usually carried by rainbow and death decks. The holy lights come in handy especially with death decks to kill off an annoying death creatures. If you find yourself in a situation where the opponent has a few rain of fires and completely destroys your rays of light effectively rendering your hope useless, all is not lost. Draw out the RoFs by placing down one ray of light at a time. If you play your cards right, pun intended, you should still have a ray of light and a mitosis in your hand mid to late game. Play them and you should be safe in a few turns.
This deck is very effective against the t50 and level3s. It currently hasnt been tested against hbs and fgs.
An unupped version of this deck should only be attempted if you at least have 6 rays of lights.
Feedback is much appreciated since this is the first deck I made!
Have fun:D