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52k 52k 52k 52k 52r 52r 52v 52v 52v 52v 52v 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61p 61p 61p 61p 61p 61u 622 622 622 622 622 71b 8pu
this is the deck for what I was using, and it was pretty effective at least towards AI3. It probably isn't quite original, but its probably pretty cool for those who didn't ever read, think, or ever see this kind of combination. That previous string of words is by no means offensive if you don't stop in the middle of the sentence to reread that, like I did.
Its rather self-explanatory, but originally, I had about 3 or 4 of each essential card, being the soul catchers, vultures, sparks, and fractals, except fractal still had five. Of course, in previous iterations (A.K.A. versions that kinda sucked) they had about 4 more aether cards, and I found myself
waiting for that one card. needless to say, I took out a few pillars (since I would get enough quanta waiting for the fractal (hopefully)), and switched to 4 or 5 (see deck for specifics) fractals, sparks, vultures, and soul catchers.
The Strategy itself: play pillars if you have them. don't play soul catchers or sparks right away if you have them, since you should typically wait until you have enough quanta to use the fractal.
Not having the card available to fractal a second time (like playing all the sparks forgetting about the other fractals in you deck) can and will completely screw you over. This means sparks, vultures, possibly even soul catchers. If you can play 2 soul catchers and a spark or a soul catcher and 2 sparks (to have enough to play one vulture, assuming you have it) with one still left to spare for fractal, than that can lead you into about at least a 5/6 attacker, if you fractal a spark and play all of them -1 which gives you plenty quanta for a fractal vulture and a bonewall. (although that isn't the best course of action long-term.) For me, I like to do that if you have 3 fractals. Elsewise, though, its easier to (once you have ten
quanta and the appropriate cards) play a spark, use a fractal, and save all the sparks, playing one right away and one per turn if cards that were unplayable turn up. Once you have enough quanta again for a second fractal, you should either fractal the sparks, if you don't have about 5 sparks left and enough quanta for about 4 vultures, or fractal the vultures if you have enough to play half of those and a decent amount remaining.
If this is pulled off properly, you can put your enemies to shame. no, seriously, I did this and one game so far came out with like 8 vultures 9/10 and one 13/14 (thats kinda that "first vulture played" thing.) another thing to consider on the second fractal, is that there is probably a shield to take into consideration, and about twenty x-factors like antimatter, gravity pull, and other cards. it kinda comes down to (X-R)Y=damage dealt (typically). X is the actual damage of the majority of the vultures, R is damage reduction by shields, and Y is number of vultures, just kinda saying how to decide which would be more beneficial with the second fractal, a vulture or a spark. Also, a random final note, I only have one upgraded card, and it works pretty darn well. It may not be original, but it d@mn well works.
Never forget: always keep a spark in your hand![/b]