It's not what to add; it's what to remove. Trim down for stability, and get rid of
3 Fallen Druids - You can't use one until you've got Fireflys coming anyway, so having 6 is waay overkill.
1 Amethyst Tower - To compensate for the lack of Druids.
1 Improved Fog - Useless. You're better of being more sure of drawing a part of your combo.
1 Damselfly - Alternately, one Wind Pillar if you're in love with your Damselfly.
2 Elite Queens - You really don't need more than 1 of these in play at a time, and 4 will ensure you draw one early without making them clutter up your hand and/or field.
Now down to a concise 32-card deck, you'll find that you get your combo out just as often, but you have more quanta to power it (with less repeats coming between Supernovas), and your defenses will be there more regularly when you need them as well.
While I haven't taken the time to test this one in the Trainer, I have to say it looks pretty solid to me. Basically, if your defenses hold out for long enough, you can deal with almost any problem via Steal/Destroy, Devour, and the other less important Mutant powers. EE+Maxwell's Demon is a significant defense, able to kill heavy-damage attackers and small skill creatures easily and more importantly, able to take middle-of-the-road critters like Abyss Crawlers and Gold Dragons in one turn by combining their skills -- but you'll probably want to save the Antimatter for the big ones like the Dragons anyway. Looks good.