I've been using this deck lately in PvP2 with much success (85%+) so I thought I would share it.
Even though I have never seen this thread before today, nor have I came across a similar deck in play, the card combo/synergy is obvious and I'm posting here due to the "Read this before posting" thread.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7k1 7k1 7k1 7k1 7k1 7k1 7k2 7k2 7km 7km 7km 7km 7km 7km 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pq
You will almost always start with 1-3 pillars/pends and drop your first Morning Glory on turn 2. Your second MG should be on turn 3 or 4. Then either pool quanta to pump out all your Shards/Miracle or drop another MG depending on your opponent's play and your cards in hand. Cast your remaining Shards and Miracle before dealing the killing blow to maximize your Electrum gain. The deck will usually win even with a slow start (only one MG), and it fairs well against rushes on a normal draw.
Strengths: High damage for low cost immortal creatures, generally good draws, high win % (PvP2), decent Electrum gain (165-195 normally), fun/easy to play.
Weaknesses: Dimensional Shield, Bone Wall, early Discord, SoW+Reflect (which I haven't seen since 1.32), Feral Bond/SoG, not a 4 or 5 turns to win deck.
Sideboard: I have also tested this a variety of different ways by removing a Morning Glory and an Animate Weapon or two, and adding some combination of Sanctuary or Miracle or Pillar. In the end I found that having all 6 MGs and all 6 AW minimized the frequency of turns wasted without a necessary part of the combo. Sanctuary's did not provide enough benefit for their cost, and the decks they should be helpful against (pest/discord) both have ways of dealing with Sanctuary or using it against you. With all the Shards you rarely ever need a third Miracle before you deck out, and you can usually stall long enough to pull your first one. If you do want to pull out a card I would suggest -1 Animate Weapon and adding either another Pillar or a single Holy Flash for Elemental Mastery.
- Only animate your Morning Glories if you have another one in your hand, and can play it the same turn. Unless your opponent is running a wings shield, animating a weapon isn't going to do any extra damage. An animated weapon although immortal, is still vulnerable to cards like Fire Shield, Thorn Carapace, or Skull Buckler. Also, next turn, you may find that you need the
for casting something else instead. - If you are safely generating six
per turn, and your hand isn't full, hold your pillars/pends in your hand. It can help protect you against deck out, provide same turn quanta for Miracle after a Black Hole, or simply generate instant quanta for the next turn after playing a Miracle. The deck doesn't require much quanta so you can even hold pillars/pends at three
if you're facing Ghostal or Shard of Bravery. - Only play Shard of Divinity if you are going to die next turn or if you fear your opponent is holding a lot of burst damage. Again, playing a Shard isn't going to do any extra damage, all it does is alert your opponent of his new damage target. Playing three shards right before your opponent thinks you're going to die can really throw off their plans... Especially when you are also holding a Miracle.
- Try to play all of the Shards in your hand before you play Miracle.
- The above tips are for general play. You'll need to think outside the box for some situations, like when your opponent is running Discord, or holding on to heavy burst damage.
Please rep me if this post helped you out. Thanks!
(Edit: Formatting, added Sideboard section.)