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Deck is Constructed on Ragepotions and Ablaze-critters.
Ragepotion is never useless, cause it kills most of the "dangerous" fast opponent creatures (Oty, Golem, Shriekers, FireDragon, Mindflayer/ultharid), only problem is a fast FFQ.
On the other side, you can push your own Firemasters, if it is save (not Aether caused by Lightnings or Graboids for Reverse Times, for example) to push your dmg, therefor unupgraded.
A Single Gavel for 7dmg/turn is very nice, and 2 unstoppables against Shields of all kinds, like Phaseshield.
Its fun to play and can be very strong, and its a kind of Mainly Fire Deck, not playing with bolts/lances, fahrenheit, cremation, dragons and deflags, which is very untypical. Nice to use Spectres and Rage Potions. Potions are very underestimated, in my opinion.