I'd like to post my experience and maybe a little guide with the deck. as previously said, you need 2 SOGs before using this deck, if you want to make stable income. so, below is my comment for the deck with 2 SOGs. (sorry that I don't have stats recorded)
in general, an early eternity is the key to many fights.
easy gods:Incarnate
note he can poison your ghost, so don't hurry to play your ghost without your eternity played.
he can deck himself out fast (but sometimes he will keep one last creature un-quinted and then won't deck out), so you want to start chaining shield late, so if you cannot kill him in time by your ghosts (e.g. he gets out scarabs and eat your ghost, but this seldom happens), you can still just sit and wait

get 2 - 3 ghost on field, wait until they bring down his health to about 50-60 and then fractal ghost and dump them onto the field. you can rewind your own ghost to control the damage
unless he gets a 18/18 like deja vu early and twin universe it before you set your shields up, he won't be a problem. note to calculate his health and avoid triggering miracle.
once you get your shield up and SOGs in time, you'll be fine. otherwise you'll be rushed.
gods that are not so easy but you should try your best and fight to the end:Morte
his poison can kill you if you don't find your SOGs early. he has miracle, so take care, but unless you're really unlucky, miracle will seldom be a problem. and even he plays it, you can still just take him down again.
this god is so annoying. his shockwave kills your ghost, so don't play your ghost if you cannot fractal it in the same round. and if he has many octopus, then your ghosts will just be kept frozen, and you can only rewind one ghost each turn for damage, you might won't have enough output to kill him before you run out of shields, but you still want to try.
gods that you can try for several rounds and see whether you get things going or you quit:Akebono
get your shards out early and you'll be safe, otherwise you'll die because of his titan. rewind his creatures if it get buffed with unstoppable.
Chaos Lord
if you get your permanents destroyed and/or he gets an early discord and ruin your quanta, quit. otherwise you can try.
if he gets a lot of maxwell's demon out, then you'll have problem, otherwise try to control his demon and other latched creatures and you still have chance to win.
Elidnis - 1W 0L 1EM
Ferox - 3W 0L 3EM
Fire Queen
these 3 are similar, you either get an early eternity and control his healing ability, or quit.
if you get an eternity and can control his unstoppables, you're fine. otherwise quit.
Divine Glory
explosion and miracle, and ability to rush you. however sometimes he is slow, and you use your hourglass and SOGs as decoy, and you can win.
he has 6 steals which is not too bad to bear, as long as you have hourglass and eternity, he won't steal your shield. if you get your first couple hourglasses stolen, you might want to quit, otherwise if you manage to draw enough cards, you are still able to win.
gods that you should quit:
Dark Matter
Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix