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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg387992#msg387992
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2011, 04:03:08 am »
All I needed was 1 run of this to see the power! Thanks for posting!


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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388014#msg388014
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2011, 05:53:21 am »
I wonder as there're 2 eternities in the deck, adding one animate weapon will help a lot? because with both eternity you can totally shut down your opponent.

Won 69 out of 100 games, 52 with EM, sup? A few words about the deck and a quick FG breakdown:
this is impressive... and I bet it's lucky :P

Quote from: Polari
 (edit - link to my stats spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_GB&hl=en_GB&key=0AgxDeoyDoRYZdGltLUNHXzF6WXlMbFUtNnZGcjBwSkE&output=html))

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rn 6rn 6rn 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 7qe 7qe 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80i 80i 8pu

In general, once you've got your first shield and hourglass, you're on. Once you're rolling, it will only take a few turns to draw your deck, leaving 10 cards or so. Later on you might look into filling your hand with spells and discarding extra Eternity, hourglasses and shields. Once you're set, keep producing time quanta and Fractal for ~5-7 Ghosts. Pay attention to the state of your Pendulums so you don't accidentally break your shield chain with a Fractal. A single Eternity is surprisingly effective in shutting down opposing strategies. Even if they do draw one card a turn, they won't actually be able to do a whole lot. If you ever get them draw- and quanta-locked, that's game right there. Eternity also works as a poor man's Lobo against activated abilities and as a superior Lobo against abilities granted by spells.

You'll lose maybe 1 out of... 20? games to simply crapping out with no shields or no hourglasses. It happens less often than you might imagine for a 41-card deck since Shields buy you time to draw into hourglasses and hourglasses cycle through your deck extremely fast, but it does happen. Also you might need to hold back Shards early so you don't fuck up your first Shield drop, or think about the correct order for playing out stuff. The one loss against Miracle was because I played an hourglass instead of Eternity and barely died the turn before getting to 5 aether, and I probably could have won a few more games against permanent control by baiting correctly.

Permanent control in general isn't really a big problem if you get started, since they'll just nuke your Eternities and extra hourglasses, leaving shields and shards untouched. Jezebel and Rainbow are an exception as they'll USE those hourglasses to bury you.

Gods with no answer to shields and no real threats:

Destiny - 7W 0L 7EM
Elidnis - 1W 0L 1EM
Ferox - 3W 0L 3EM
Fire Queen - 5W 0L 3EM
Incarnate - 2W 1L 2EM
Lionheart - 3W 0L 3EM
Miracle - 3W 1L 3EM
Morte - 4W 1L 0EM
Neptune - 5W 0L 5EM
Paradox - 3W 0L 3EM
Serket - 4W 0L 3EM
I think ferox should be beatable but still challanging, as he has so many healing and eventually miracle, so, unless you get an early eternity and start controlling his drawing, you'll find it hard to kill him.

for lionheart, you'll also need your eternity early, and also luck, hoping that he won't quint his pharoh and scarab, so that you can send them back and shut him down, otherwise once he has 5 scarab on the field, you're screwed. This is also similar for osiris.

Quote from: Polari

Piece of cake unless you crap out.

Gods with nothing too bad:

Akebono - 7W 0L 5EM

Not too many creatures, all expensive. Find a shard or two and an Eternity and you're done.

Chaos Lord - 3W 0L 1EM

Little CC, 4 pieces of PC. You'll punch through a Dissipation Field np.

Dark Matter - 2W 0L 0EM

Probably worse than this in reality? Get an Eternity lock before he has too many momentum dudes.

Gemini - 1W 1L 1EM

Only two games played. Maybe a great matchup actually?

Osiris - 4W 1L 3EM

Eternity, even drawn late, limits his Scarab production even if it rarely shuts it down completely. The catapults won't start firing until his field is full and will have a hard time against shards unless he drew multiples.

Seism - 3W 1L 3EM

Bait out his first quakes and get an Eternity ASAP. When limited to one card a turn his quakes should stay manageable. The one game I lost he nuked literally every single tower and pendulum in my deck.

Gods with PC:

If you manage to set up, the game should go like I described in the beginning. Sometimes they kill all your stuff before you can start drawing more and you lose.

Divine Glory - 2W 1L 2EM
Eternal Phoenix - 1W 3L 0EM
Graviton - 0W 2L 0EM
Hecate - 1W 2L 0EM
Hermes - 2W 2L 2EM
Octane - 1W 0L 0EM

Graviton's worse than others thanks to momentum, but is probably winnable. Against Octane you'll obviously need to draw your shards to survive gases, otherwise it's pretty much same old.

Bad matchups:

Dream Catcher - 1W 2L 1EM

Unlike Lobo, Eternity is the first thing BE'd dudes will kill. It's still possible though. Try to keep him entropy-starved.

Obliterator - 0W 1L 0EM

Like with most other permanent-based strategies, you'll need to draw your anti-momentum thing (Eternity) early-ish and have him not draw a Pulvy.

Decay - 0W 2L 0EM

Probably a skip. I also faced him four times with the shardless version and in those six games, a couple of times almost got enough aether for a Fractal.

Jezebel - 0W 4L 0EM

Should be possible if she doesn't have Steals early, I was close once. You can't really let her have hourglasses and you'll also need to dodge the worst nymphs.

Rainbow - 1W 4L 1EM

Better for you than for most decks, but you'll still lose if he gets going.

Scorpio - 0W 2L 0EM

You'll need to get set really, really fast. Chrysaoras are stupidly dangerous for you and killing him through permafrost and squids is a pain.

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388017#msg388017
« Reply #38 on: September 02, 2011, 05:55:43 am »
I beat Miracle 1st time easily with this deck and I had an avg draw...

and I got Eternity very late...

Offline Djhopper :)Topic starter

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388043#msg388043
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2011, 07:40:10 am »
I beat Miracle 1st time easily with this deck and I had an avg draw...

and I got Eternity very late...
Are you playing upped or unupped?
(I'm looking for upped testers :) )

Offline Polari

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388089#msg388089
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2011, 11:41:18 am »
I think ferox should be beatable but still challanging, as he has so many healing and eventually miracle, so, unless you get an early eternity and start controlling his drawing, you'll find it hard to kill him.

for lionheart, you'll also need your eternity early, and also luck, hoping that he won't quint his pharoh and scarab, so that you can send them back and shut him down, otherwise once he has 5 scarab on the field, you're screwed. This is also similar for osiris.
Thanks for your uninformed, wild guessing. Lionheart is like your best matchup. I don't care if he can eat my ghosts, even if they they only hit once I can get to 200 with Eternity. The reason Osiris is different is Catapults, without them he'd be a cakewalk too. I'm not worried about Ferox's Miracles because, you know, he doesn't have any. Sure it's possible to lose, but he'll need like Jade Shield + full board + 5 Bonds to outheal you. With Eternity slowing him down he'll rarely get there. So far I've played 5 games vs Ferox and 5 vs Lionheart for a total of 10 EM wins.

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388174#msg388174
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2011, 04:51:29 pm »
I think ferox should be beatable but still challanging, as he has so many healing and eventually miracle, so, unless you get an early eternity and start controlling his drawing, you'll find it hard to kill him.

for lionheart, you'll also need your eternity early, and also luck, hoping that he won't quint his pharoh and scarab, so that you can send them back and shut him down, otherwise once he has 5 scarab on the field, you're screwed. This is also similar for osiris.
Thanks for your uninformed, wild guessing. Lionheart is like your best matchup. I don't care if he can eat my ghosts, even if they they only hit once I can get to 200 with Eternity. The reason Osiris is different is Catapults, without them he'd be a cakewalk too. I'm not worried about Ferox's Miracles because, you know, he doesn't have any. Sure it's possible to lose, but he'll need like Jade Shield + full board + 5 Bonds to outheal you. With Eternity slowing him down he'll rarely get there. So far I've played 5 games vs Ferox and 5 vs Lionheart for a total of 10 EM wins.
If your ghosts hit once each, and you get the maximum amount from each fractal you get 126 damage; which leaves 74 more damage. Eternity will deal this in 19 turns. (you just ran out of shields)

You can have a max of 92 damage with this deck (with jade shield+with the most possible from each fractal, which is very unlikely) Full field is common with Ferox, so with 4 bonds he will have as much healing as the most damage you can possibly do. That's only 1/3 of his deck.

Next time actually test.

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388209#msg388209
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2011, 06:25:21 pm »
I think ferox should be beatable but still challanging, as he has so many healing and eventually miracle, so, unless you get an early eternity and start controlling his drawing, you'll find it hard to kill him.

for lionheart, you'll also need your eternity early, and also luck, hoping that he won't quint his pharoh and scarab, so that you can send them back and shut him down, otherwise once he has 5 scarab on the field, you're screwed. This is also similar for osiris.
Thanks for your uninformed, wild guessing. Lionheart is like your best matchup. I don't care if he can eat my ghosts, even if they they only hit once I can get to 200 with Eternity. The reason Osiris is different is Catapults, without them he'd be a cakewalk too. I'm not worried about Ferox's Miracles because, you know, he doesn't have any. Sure it's possible to lose, but he'll need like Jade Shield + full board + 5 Bonds to outheal you. With Eternity slowing him down he'll rarely get there. So far I've played 5 games vs Ferox and 5 vs Lionheart for a total of 10 EM wins.
If your ghosts hit once each, and you get the maximum amount from each fractal you get 126 damage; which leaves 74 more damage. Eternity will deal this in 19 turns. (you just ran out of shields)

You can have a max of 92 damage with this deck (with jade shield+with the most possible from each fractal, which is very unlikely) Full field is common with Ferox, so with 4 bonds he will have as much healing as the most damage you can possibly do. That's only 1/3 of his deck.

Next time actually test.
you can deck lionheart with just shields you dont even need to play the ghosts. and after a few games with this deck upped ghosts are extremely affordable making the damage potential considerably higher.
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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388259#msg388259
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2011, 09:44:27 pm »
It's better to deck Lionheart out imo. Btw Dj eternity can be put up earlier than shields to kill lionheart, so you can kill him, just saying.

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388264#msg388264
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2011, 10:02:44 pm »
I think ferox should be beatable but still challanging, as he has so many healing and eventually miracle, so, unless you get an early eternity and start controlling his drawing, you'll find it hard to kill him.

for lionheart, you'll also need your eternity early, and also luck, hoping that he won't quint his pharoh and scarab, so that you can send them back and shut him down, otherwise once he has 5 scarab on the field, you're screwed. This is also similar for osiris.
Thanks for your uninformed, wild guessing. Lionheart is like your best matchup. I don't care if he can eat my ghosts, even if they they only hit once I can get to 200 with Eternity. The reason Osiris is different is Catapults, without them he'd be a cakewalk too. I'm not worried about Ferox's Miracles because, you know, he doesn't have any. Sure it's possible to lose, but he'll need like Jade Shield + full board + 5 Bonds to outheal you. With Eternity slowing him down he'll rarely get there. So far I've played 5 games vs Ferox and 5 vs Lionheart for a total of 10 EM wins.
If your ghosts hit once each, and you get the maximum amount from each fractal you get 126 damage; which leaves 74 more damage. Eternity will deal this in 19 turns. (you just ran out of shields)

You can have a max of 92 damage with this deck (with jade shield+with the most possible from each fractal, which is very unlikely) Full field is common with Ferox, so with 4 bonds he will have as much healing as the most damage you can possibly do. That's only 1/3 of his deck.

Next time actually test.
He was quoting my post where I talked about the upped version. Next time check who you're talking to?

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388301#msg388301
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2011, 11:48:37 pm »
Whoa, Whoa ,WHOOOOOOOA! Why all the hate on the messenger, guys? He brings you a nice FG deck with fast draws that doesn't deck out easily and you flame him in return while he is trying to teach how to use it? o.O Please, for the sake of this thread, don't make a flame war ^^

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388385#msg388385
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2011, 07:07:12 am »
It's better to deck Lionheart out imo. Btw Dj eternity can be put up earlier than shields to kill lionheart, so you can kill him, just saying.
CAN, 5 wins is still very unlikely.

He was quoting my post where I talked about the upped version. Next time check who you're talking to?
Oh, the maths very different with upped ghosts; do they have 9 attack?

I still think Ferox will be very tricky though...

Offline Polari

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Re: Fast-Draw False-God Killer [un-upped] [time] [aether] [awesome] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29973.msg388432#msg388432
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2011, 09:31:29 am »
It's better to deck Lionheart out imo. Btw Dj eternity can be put up earlier than shields to kill lionheart, so you can kill him, just saying.
CAN, 5 wins is still very unlikely.

He was quoting my post where I talked about the upped version. Next time check who you're talking to?
Oh, the maths very different with upped ghosts; do they have 9 attack?

I still think Ferox will be very tricky though...
Yes, upped Ghosts have 9 attack. And I wasn't lying when I said I'm 5-0-all-EM in both of those matchups.


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