Previous decks work like this: Play a Ball Lightning and Fractal possibly on the 2nd turn. In order to run SoP off the Mark alone, you must wait at least until your 3rd turn. The reward for your patience is that the ball lightning's hang around, and also you can remove a lot of Pillars in the deck for more useful stuff (though granted, some of them are SoP...). Is this OP? Probably not nearly as much as I first thought. Here's a play-by play...
Standard Fractal Ball Lightning:
1- Drop 5 Pillars
2- Drop BL's and Fractal. Around 40-50 damage but unlikely to be 50
3- got 5 aether, sit...
4- 10 Aether again, boom. Maybe the enemy's dead but im not so sure. If not...
5- you wont have 9 pillars...
6- they die now
Patient Ball Lightning:
1- drop
3 pillars
2- you have 6 aether, but only 1 water
3- drop BL, Patience, and Fractal BL's. No damage. six-eight 7/2's on your field though
4- remove Patience, usually over 50 damage IF none of your BL's got popped.
5- you MAY have enough for another fractal, in which case, they're dead. If not...
6- Now you have enough for Fractal again. They die now.
As I see it, Patience gives you a more reliable TTW. But who really knows