I like it. In BL I sometimes use an Antimater/Mitoscorpion deck with Elves. The unupped even has the advantage of frequently giving you Abominations, which you can play Mitosis on to soak up additional Entropy.
Anyways, cool deck but I don't think you need that many quantum towers. They are the icing on the cake, so to speak. They are good for fueling abilities once you gotten your engine up and running, but don't contribute to it. Since you don't need them until later, you can afford to run the risk of only drawing them alter. I'd recommend taking it down to 3/4 QTs.
The lone mutation looks out of place also, since your already have the infrastructure for Druids, which are unlimited mutating power. Your combo also takes awhile to get running, and the stalling power of Bonds doesn't kick in until you've got everything in place. More Antimatter would definitely be good IMO. Also another Mitosis or two since you're so low on them. I'm really tempted to say drop the Bonds altogether, as Antimatter is great stall, but if you feel its a core part of the deck you should keep them.