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52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 52r 52u 52u 52u 52u 52u 52u 542 542 55q 55q 55q 55q 55q 55q 8pl
So you probably have seen this kind of deck tons of times, with varying additions ranging from Otyughs over Gravity Shield and Gravity Pull up to Black Hole. This is my version of the deck, if you don't like it or think it is not unique/new enough please tell me.
Also I have read quite a lot of opinions (and decks) that say Deathstalkers should primarily be used with Eclipse/Nightfall, as you only need one of them for all Deathstalkers. If you take a closer look however, you won't get through shields with that combo. So you have to add in shield removal cards, namely Steal. Which requires both more Death quanta than you would like and is even more dependant on draws (first you have to draw the Steals, then you have to bank on the fact that your opponent only has 2 shields. In case of Dimensional shields which are most common, this is usually not the case).
The bone walls are in there to beat out tough creatures rushes (as in Dragon rush or similar stuff). They might not be effective against mass creatures, but those take time to build up anyways. They do not protect much against medium amounts of medium strength creatures or stuff like adrenalined Frogs.
The weak points of the deck are:
- bad starting hand (duh)
- getting all the Deathstalkers CCed immediately (you still get a fair amount of poison ticking thanks to the first attack, but probably not enough to win)
- poison removal/compensation (enough heal every turn or purify)
- quanta denial (although as you only need 2 quanta of both Death and Gravity each, you probably still get out 1-2 early Deathstalkers and maybe an arsenic until full lockdown, which might be enough to beat out the eventual Vampires/Black Dragons to follow up the Devourers or whatever follows the Earthquakes)
- hard rushes (such as Life adrenaline rush, probably some forms of Grabbow as well)
The strong points are:
- Immortal creature reliant Aether decks, as they get countered pretty hard by bone wall and Deathstalkers just ignore Dims. Deals okay-ish with Psion-based Aether, as those are still rather slow in building up (compared to pure rush) and their Dims are worthless, even though Bone Walls have nothing on Psions
- does not care about permanent control much/at all
- other decks that do not cover the weaknesses of this deck (listed above)
Because this deck does have a few crucial weaknesses it is not great to farm arena, as you do get shut down a couple times here and there. But for PvP1 it still is a fun deck with fair winning chances