Sampling of my wasting my time, hoping against hope.
Octane - Game 1: He destroyed my only dark quantum source and axed my only pest. Game over. (loss)
Game 2: Pests and Vamps mobbed with ridiculous anti-creature spam and was gassed and Eagle Eyed to death. (loss)
Paradox - Game 1: He got out a quick rush and almost over-ran me but I got Vamp/Frag rush going and won E.M. victory. (win) Electrum Hourglass from spins.
Game 2: Pest+Vamp rush takes him down before he rolls out any threats. (win)
Chaos Lord - Game 1: No Frag draws and his mutations were too insane to counter. (loss)
Game 2: Looking OK with a Fragged Pest line and he top-decks a dragon while muting into an 11/5...great. (loss)
Ferox - Game 1: No Frag draw, if I had I would have won the game. (loss)
Destiny - Game 1: Pest/Frag shut him down and with my quantum generation his rewinds didn't go much. Elcipse+Pest rush with Vamps= EM victory (win)
Miracle - Game 1: His dual Light Dragons almost took me out before I could Frag/Vampire/Eclipse him into the dirt.
Game 2: He goes first with insane draw and rolls over me before I can shift momentum my way. (loss)
Morte - Game 1: Ivory Dragon chewed on my ass the entire game and Bone Wall stops me from countering with Vamp+Frag rush life gain to stabilize momentum swing. (loss)
Graviton - Game 1: Starting to notice my opening hand draws in regular game are waaaaay more sketchy than what I was getting in the trainer. Beginning to wonder if something fishy is going on here(oh yeah, auto-mulligan
). Oh, and I lost. (loss)
Dark Matter - Game 1: I win, big shock being that I am dual quantum and Dark Matter is designed with the SOLE purpose of screwing over Rainbow decks but sucks at doing anything else. Grats on designing a deck that the vast majority of False God farmers auto-quit against.
Incarnate - Game 1: My Vamp rush is better than his but Bone Wall spam loses me the game that I would otherwise had won. (loss)
Divine Glory - Game 1: He screws my quantum base with permanent destruction and I can't establish the Vamp rush fast enough to win the game. I am so happy that pillar destruction and permanent destruction are one in the same in this game! I wonder why that might be a problem? Hmmm, I wonder, hmmmm. (loss)
Obliterator - Game 1: No Pest in opening hand = loss. Hurray! Oh and the Massive anti-creature+overwhelming quantum/card advantage didn't help much either.(loss)
Scorpio - Game 1: Stole his Permafrost Shield and won. Otherwise he would have kicked my ass sideways. (win)
Rainbow - Game 1: Hey look guys! I'm Rainbow! I just hang out behind my massive life until I draw enough Hourglasses to gain so much card advantage it is as if my huge unwieldy deck plays like a tight 30 card deck with access to every card to win in any situation! Hooray! That's fair isn't it guys! Guys? (loss)