Why not just use standard disc/bh? Those chaos seeds aren't really that reliable CC.
I wanted a use for extra entropy quanta, and the seeds have been pretty good in protecting my chargers from oty's, mind flayers, etc. and can also pick off low health pumpable creatures like spirits and golems early.
What's the 'standard'deck build then?
Well, it's not really standard, but I just assumed Seraph's was the most well known.
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Here, the excess

is put into abominations and a dragon. Also, his version uses entropy pendulums, which means a discord can come out faster and lock down the opponent earlier. You also only have 2 discords in your deck, so the chances of drawing them aren't that high. Chaos seeds might be useful as control, but you don't need to worry about otys unless they're blessed, and mind flayers aren't that great either. The purpose of your chargers is not momentum, but merely extra damage. With a good discord/black hole denial going, you should be able to lock down your opponent and not worry about CC and PC.