Akebono: Unstoppable 200+ damage. Skip.Chaos Lord: Starts mutating RoLs as soon a Hope is played. Loss.Dark Matter: Has some chargers, but can be updamaded with the Bonds.Decay: May win if you manage to get some . Don't know about it's Siphon Lives.Destiny: Mutation + Maxwell demon. Loss.Divine Glory: Can be won if you don't get outrushed.Dream Catcher: You can never know until you play against it.Elidnis: Can be won if you don't deck out because of her Congeals and Bonds.Eternal Phoenix: Can win with a late (or really early) RoF.Ferox: Guess it's a win.Fire Queen: Those Eagle Eye killing the RoLs may cause you nightmares. Loss.Gemini: Guess it's a win too.Graviton: Those Firemasters would outdamage you. It depends on the deck's speed... I guess it's a loss.Hecate: Win if he doesn't kill your mitosified RoLs. Loss if he does.Hermes: Lava golems may outdamage you. Those RoF will be a pain. Loss.Incarnate: Retros + Bloodsuckers = loss.Jezebel: She will steal your Bonds, but may be a win.Lionheart: Eternity = loss. If he doesn't rewind your RoLs you may deckout him, but must test it to see.Miracle: May be a win.Morte: Retros = loss. May have a strategy to only have 1 mitosified RoL in the field?Neptune: Is there a deck that looses against Neptune?Obliterator: Another almost secure win.Octane: Eagle Eye killing RoLs + gasses = loss.Osiris: Scarab = loss.Paradox: Win.Rainbow: I think it's a loss too. He has 4 Eagle Eye + 6 congeals and may steal and destroy your Bonds.Scorpio: May be a win.Seism: I wish he doesn't rewind an early mitosified RoL. May be a win.Serket: Surely a win.Someone must test the desitions some FG make against RoLs and mitosified RoLs. Althiugh, I don't expext much of it.