Forum/Chat: OliverYang12345
IGN: OliverYang123
Timezone: GMT -7 (Mountain Standard Time)
Unupgraded/Half-Upgraded play preferred.
The first and foremost important thing about me is that I'm a brony. Haters gonna hate, but whatever. Love and tolerate, y'all.
I don't have a favourite element, though I tend to use a deck that uses the Mark of Water for PVP I, and a deck that uses the Mark of Darkness for AI/CPUs.
Current win/loss ration as of 04/11/2013 at 9:13 PM (my time) is 192/84.
Current Challenge:Normal duel, either best out of 1, 3 or 5. At least one card of the deck must be unupgraded.
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