Personal Information:Username: ddevans96 (in all places)
Timezone: Mountain Time (GMT -6)
Preferences: Unupgraded, Limited Upgraded
As you've hopefully realized by now, I'm ddevans96. I used to play Elements all the time, but now I only play it sparingly, and spend most of my time on the forums. I organized war through parts of wars 2 through 5, and I have a fair bit of varied experience in other PvP events. My in-game stats are fairly low, except for a large unupped card base, as I despise grinding in card games. Besides Elements, I play other multiplayer games, notably Transformice, Realm of the Mad God and Minecraft, and all kinds of singleplayer games. I also have a heavy interest in geography and a large collection of atlases and maps.
Current Challenges:Force DuelDecks may not be more than 35 cards.
Decks may not use more than 4 upped cards.
Decks may not contain shards.
The amount of HP a player has left after a game is converted to points.
The player with more points after 4 games is the winner.
{mouseover: deckouts and infinite loops}{mouseover: protocol for a draw}Battle History:LegendFinished duel, victoryFinished duel, lossOngoing duelPlanned duelLimit of 10 planned duels at all times
vs.vs.vs.vs.vs.Status: Not accepting challenges.Only temporary, until I gert myself back into PvP again. Feel free to use the challenge with other people, but give me credit.