Just EM'd DC with the following deck:
Mark of Entropy
4 Enchant Artifact
4 Druidic Staff
4 Adrenaline
3 Sanctuary (unupped)
4 Flying Weapon (unupped)
4 Quints (1 upped 3 unupped)
7 QT's
6 Snovas
2 Jade Shield
Very lucky opening hand with 2 towers, snova, staff, adrenaline, quint, and enchant artifact. EA saved my life since DC had a BE out on the 2nd turn. Since this deck is a little fat, you are reliant on either a lucky draw or a bad draw for DC. Sanctuary is probably expendable but I threw them in as added protection and healing since I had the 4 EA's to protect my towers.
Thanks for the OP.