OK, he went first and first turn dropped his entire hand. stack of pillars, supernovas, Microabom, butterfly effect, devourer, fate egg is how it came out. the egg pops into a freaking dragon and I'm at half health before I can get anything going, but it's not over yet. I started with a pretty decent hand, so I drop three pillars to start and the quanta lucks out for me and I can supernova third turn. My hand is packed full of 4 sundials, so I drop 2 at a time so that one gets destroyed and the other can be used. I have one firestorm in my starting hand and I draw into the second one as well as an oty and a quint. I splash both firestorms in one turn to get rid of the butterfly effect MA and the dragon and drop the quint oty, but at this point I am hurting and I don't have a shield. Another fate egg turns into an invicible dragon and I'm thinking, "I need a miracle."
I'm the luckiest man alive I think...
With exactly enough light quanta I draw into the 1 miracle in my deck and bam, I'm back in the game.
After that it was smooth sailing, he tried to butterfly effect again, but never dropped a quint on them, so my oty had a buffet. Eventually he fell to massive beats from my mutants and fireflies. I didn't even play eternity, much less use it, but I got down to my last 3 cards before winning.
All in all, I think that Dream Catcher isn't as hard as he seems. If you can stop the initial havoc, he slows down quite a lot in the midgame, and doesn't seem to have much endgame at all. It's just his opening that can destroy your pillars, hourglasses, and quanta, but if you can salvage enough to fight back, he's a dead man.
Kinda like siesm after you EA your pillar stack... Siesm should be programmed to ragequit when you do that.