I'll be taking over as host effective immediately, I'll send out a pm to all participants asap. I'll be eliminated from the event as a participant. I request everyone to send me a pm with the card restrictions for matches that have yet to happen.
There will now be strict deadlines and default players assigned to matchups: if a matchup doesn't get done in time it will count as a loss for that player, although anyone in the team is allowed to play this match.
No one will be considered eliminated until I am explicitly pm-ed for it: a team will only be eliminated if all their members are eliminated. Not having a player play a match two rounds in a row will eliminate the player from that team, not affecting the remaining players of that team.
I will consider all matches played up until now to have legal decks to speed things up. For the rest of matches, I request everyone send me a pm with their used decks as well as a match number to go with the match number assigned to restrictions earlier.
For a time schedule: I'd like to put one week for a round, in this week card restrictions must be submitted, card restrictions must always be submitted before matches are played. Duels may also take up to a week later: if I do not have proof of superior activity or decks sent to me before then these matches will be considered a loss. I'll make a new post with the deadlines of matches yet to come that are up first after sending out the pms.