Maybe upgrades could be worked into the drafting somehow possibly with some sort of limit. Like you draft phoenix and state you also want to be able to use the upgrade when you draft. This means you lose your next draft pick. You can only do it 3 times during the draft. This means those who choose upgrades have more limits to their deckbuilding.
So teams would end up with 3 upgraded cards and less overall cards. I dunno, I don't think that would work because probably every team would spend their first 3 picks upgrading and then when deckbuilding for the matches came around, all the decks would be the same because you'd obviously want to use your 3 upgraded cards in every duel.
Also, Shard of Gratitude. I don't think one team having SoG is fair, it dominates in a mostly unupped format.
I was orignally leaning towards allowing the use of upgrades if both players agreed on it. Since the duels in each round are league style, if you were playing another veteran and you both agreed to use upgrades it would be like champs league. Then again, having any form of upgrades puts a lot of emphasis on picking veterans with a big collection, as opposed to if things were fully unupped.
I , personally, don't think that trading cards should be allowed.
I'm inclined to agree, there probably won't be trading just to keep things simple the first time around. Couple ideas I had:
Allow teams to trade cards up to a limit, inbetween rounds. Like maybe trades must be equal, so a 7th pick for a 7th pick. Only one trade per team.
Allow winning teams to 'trade' with the team they beat (you take one of their good cards and give them one of your not so good cards).
Or something else.
Problem is, it puts less emphasis on the original card draft if you can change your lineup later on... and teams might end up too homogeneous.