1-how many people can join?
Didn't think much about this. IMO anyone who wants to join should be able to join.
If there are too many players for one organizer to handle, then a second or third one would be a nice addition

2- Is this a last man standing or a swiss style? As we may have seen in 12 lives, those are different and can lead to confusion and drama.
This event is a last man standing. Anyone who drops out is out, simple as that.
I didn't follow the 12 lives event much since I droped out quite early. The idea was to have winners matchup vs. winners and losers vs. losers. The dummy points I mentioned are for that purpose.
- Removed the part about the swiss tournament, clarified descriprion.
confusion and drama = not good
agreed^^ that's why questions for clarification and/or addition are appreciated