WARNING! This is not for newbies. Use with caution...or somethingso i got DG today and decided to test my new S&M EM Deckout.deck - DG edition
5lk 5lk 5lk 6rn 6rq 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7k2 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q8 7q8 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 808 80i 80i 81q
guaranteed to win unless you screw up somehow
you'll win either by decking DG out (S&M enthusiast fav) or dragon spam
he WILL blow up everything you play so it is crucial to cast SoG after miracle to achieve EM, after you have the lock in play (hope: 8+)
Sundials to stall, SoR flying Eternity provide endless rewind action if you're going the deckout route
heres what it would look like in the end :-
(i accidentally double click my flying SoR'ed Eternity but it doesnt matter in the end)