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Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231192#msg1231192
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:03:49 pm »
Round 9 Pairings
Play the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found here, and the full brackets can be found here.
Round 9 has ended.
:darkness Aves :earth :entropy :gravity:darkness Odii Odsen :aether :entropy :water
Round 9 Lore
You know, we could have some fun. I always like to make new friends.
The few remaining Vampires are the final hope of stopping Lucifer, but internal conflicts tear at their unity.

Odii Odsen: At last, I’ve tracked you down. The Vampire gone mad. I will tear you into shreds.
chrispybacon84 Oh, don’t act like you have the moral high ground. How do you plan on stopping me from killing Vampires?
chrispybacon84 By killing me, right? By killing one of your own kind, just like I did. The exact same crime.
Odii Odsen: I... never thought of it that way.
chrispybacon84 Who are we to determine morality? What gives us the authority?
chrispybacon84 For what reasons, under what circumstances, could anyone possibly determine right from wrong?
chrispybacon84 When man first looked up towards the sky, was he not met by an infinite unknown?
(chrispybacon84 gazes at the stars)
chrispybacon84 Is anything in the universe real? The monsters I’ve killed, do they even exist?
chrispybacon84 And what of my own existence? My very identity, the sum of my experiences, could be a mere fabrication.
chrispybacon84 When all of existence, if there even is anything that exists, is unknown and unknowable, can anyone even think anything with certainty?
Odii Odsen: I’m pretty certain I still want to kill you.
(Odii Odsen tears chrispybacon84 to shreds.)
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline Aves

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  • Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.Aves soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
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Re: Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231244#msg1231244
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 03:52:47 pm »
Game 1 Alright, this'll be interesting-- also very similar to r3 vs Physsion. Let's go with Dragon/Drains. Loss. Outrushed, couldn't deal with dusk. Garg/Vamp rush.
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Deck import code : [Select]
4st 4st 4st 4st 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5v8 5v8 606 606 606 606 606 7t5 7t5 7t5 7t9 7tb 7tb 8pt

Game 2 Gogo Pandestall! ... And drainbolt. Drat. Loss.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4st 4st 4st 4vp 4vp 4vp 4vp 4vp 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5uo 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 6u7 6u7 6u7 7tb 7tb 7tb 8pj

Game 3. Gargoylebow! And... wrecked by turn 1 vampire dagger and early dusk.
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Deck import code : [Select]
4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55u 55u 590 590 590 590 590 595 595 595 595 606 606 606 606 606 7tb 7tb 7tf 7tf 7tf 7tf 8pm

Good games! Seems like I need to work on some things in predictions, heh.
:darkness War # 4, 9, 10
:darkness League of Shadows :darkness Brawl # 5

The Tentacle's Grip Brawl # 6

Offline Odii Odsen

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Re: Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231245#msg1231245
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 03:54:20 pm »
Odii Odsen 3-0 Aves

Good games, Aves! It was fun to play you. First game was pretty close.

Game 1 and game 3
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4st 4st 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5uo 5uo 5up 5up 5up 5uv 606 606 606 606 6rd 6rd 7t4 7t4 7tb 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7um 8pt

Game 2
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4st 4st 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 606 606 606 61q 61q 622 622 7tb 7tb 80a 80a 80a 80a 8pu
"It doesn't matter where you are.
It doesn't matter who you are.
It doesn't matter you are.
Odii will beat you regardless of chances." - RavingRabbid

Offline worldwideweb3

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Re: Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231256#msg1231256
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 05:32:52 pm »
I fear afda's prediction now...
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

Offline Odii Odsen

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Re: Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231267#msg1231267
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 09:11:22 pm »
What was Afda's prediction?
"It doesn't matter where you are.
It doesn't matter who you are.
It doesn't matter you are.
Odii will beat you regardless of chances." - RavingRabbid

Offline worldwideweb3

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2021.01.03.)Weekly Tournament Winner (2020.11.22.)14th Trials - Master of AirWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.06.28.)Weekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.05.03.)Elements League 3/2019 2nd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2018 1st PlaceWinner of Team PvP #812th Trials - Master of AetherElements: Academy WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2017 3rd PlaceWinner of Draft #4 - PvP Event11th Trials - Master of FireBattle League 1/2017 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerBattle League and Championship League 3/2016 1st PlaceChampionship League 2/2016 1st Place10th Trials - Master of GravityChampionship League 1/2016 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 3/2015 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2015 1st PlaceWar #8 Winner - Team FireBattle League 2/2014 2nd Place
Re: Devil's Gate - Round 9 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61812.msg1231269#msg1231269
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 09:17:30 pm »
What was Afda's prediction?

He said you are gonna win, 2 rounds ago or something (merely so he can say he won against the winner :P)
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

