Round 7 PairingsPlay the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found
here, and the full brackets can be found
here.Round 7 has ended.Round 7 LoreLucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast—before he finds his vessel.
As Vampires and Shapeshifters skirmish over petty trivialities, Lucifer makes his final preparations for the end of the world.
Odii Odsen: Something is wrong. There shouldn’t be four Vampires still alive.
chrispybacon84: And why do two of them look exactly the same?
Odii Odsen: Wait, that one looks like me!
Odii Odsen: I do? I never noticed.
chrispybacon84: I’m so excited to kill both of you!
Odii Odsen: Let’s just stop and figure out the cause of this.
chrispybacon84: I bet they’re Hunters who sharpened their teeth!
chrispybacon84: Then how would I have your facial features?
chrispybacon84: I don’t know, maybe you sharpened your face.
chrispybacon84: That doesn’t make sense!
Odii Odsen: They’re Shapeshifters. They have to be.
Odii Odsen: From my point of view, you’re the Shapeshifter.
Odii Odsen: Well, if we kill the Shapeshifter, it will revert back to its normal state, right?
chrispybacon84: Same thing happens if we kill its Vampire - the template snaps.
chrispybacon84: Then let’s just both kill our clones - easy.
Odii Odsen: Good, I love killing Shapeshifters.
chrispybacon84: Aha! That reveals that you’re a Vampire!
(chrispybacon84 bites off the neck of Odii Odsen, who reverts back into the SHAPESHIFTER JonathanCrazyJ.)
chrispybacon84: Wait, what? That wasn’t supposed to happen.
(chrispybacon84 runs away.)
chrispybacon84: Hm, I guess the Shapeshifter got away, how unfortunate.
Odii Odsen: Unless you’re the Shapeshifter.
chrispybacon84: But that would make him the Vampire. And why would a Vampire kill his own kind?
Odii Odsen: He’ odd case. I think the bacon got to his brain.
chrispybacon84: The what? Sorry, I’m a vegetarian.
Odii Odsen: Seriously?
chrispybacon84: Yeah, it’s pretty common among Shapeshifters.
chrispybacon84: Oh. Whoops.
Odii Odsen: Shapeshifter scum. Farewell.
(Odii Odsen uses a SILVER BLADE to stab chrispybacon84, who reverts back to Calindu.)
LUCIFER: For thousands of years, I have waited.
LUCIFER: At last…
LUCIFER: My time has come.