Round 6 PairingsPlay the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found
here, and the full brackets can be found
here. The following players are given a bye:
Aves, worldwideweb3, iancudorinmarian, ji412jo.Round 6 has ended.Round 6 LoreWhy can't you leave us alone? We have as much right to live as you do.
As the destruction of the world continues, the most powerful of the supernatural beings begin to stand out from the rest.
Afdarenty: I’ve finally tracked you down. The Shapeshifter who started it all, at my mercy.
JonathanCrazyJ: You think you can defeat me, human? I’ve killed Deities and Demons alike.
Afdarenty: That’s because none of them had this.
(Afdarenty smashes a jar against the ground, and the air thickens.)
Afdarenty: That’s Hunter’s Fog! Blocks the vision of anything supernatural.
JonathanCrazyJ: So what if I can’t see you? I can still stab you!
(JonathanCrazyJ flails around wildly, until his knife connects with Afdarenty’s body.)
Physsion: What have you done, my child? You murdered one of your own kind.
chrispybacon84: Oh, that’s just the beginning. I’m going to be the only Vampire in the world!
Physsion: Who are you, some sort of monster?
chrispybacon84: Well, yes, actually.
Physsion: I order you to stop your activities immediately!
chrispybacon84: Who are you, the king of Vampires?
Physsion: Well, yes, actually.
chrispybacon84: Time for a new one, then!
(chrispybacon84 bites off the head of Physsion.)
iancudorinmarian: This Angel is going to die! Who’s with me?
ji412jo: I suppose I wouldn’t mind seeing an end to this whole Angel vs Demon business.
worldwideweb3: You’re overreacting. Michael will emerge victorious, and we will have paradise.
Aves: I guess that sounds pretty nice. I could have all the human blood I ever wanted…
worldwideweb3: What, to drink?
Aves: Not exactly. I just... I have my uses for it, ok?
ji412jo: I’ve heard enough talk. Let’s settle this now.
(ji412jo and iancudorinmarian are suddenly suspended in mid-air, frozen.)
ji412jo: This wasn’t supposed to happen.
iancudorinmarian: Something is seriously wrong here.
(ji412jo and iancudorinmarian struggle against their invisible bonds.)
ji412jo: How could an Angel and a Vampire...
iancudorinmarian: Be so incredibly powerful?
worldwideweb3: Anything is powerful compared to a Shapeshifter.
Aves: Hah, nice.
ji412jo: But I was the one who arranged this meeting. I had anti-warding spells in place!
Aves: Seems they weren’t very effective then.
ji412jo: I’m sure if I -
(ji412jo suddenly disappears, to his surprise.)
iancudorinmarian: There’s only one thing with that kind of power. I know what you are. You’re -
(iancudorinmarian disappears, as well.)