Round 3 PairingsPlay the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found
here, and the full brackets can be found
here.Round 3 has ended.Round 3 LoreLucifer cannot rise. He does and Hell rises with him.
The war is in full swing, and blood has begun to shed. In hushed whispers, there are talks of the return of Lucifer.
inthisroom: Something seems off. You’re not from around these parts, are you?
MeowMeowCat: I come from a few decades into the future.
inthisroom: Oh, you Angels always have such silly tricks. What are you here for this time?
MeowMeowCat: I am going to stop you from opening the Devil’s Gate.
inthisroom: Well, if you knew a thing or two about how time travel works...
MeowMeowCat: I know what you’re trying to do. It’s not just about the Demons. You want to break the 66 seals to release Lucifer.
inthisroom: Well, someone catches on quick. Can’t have your type going around trying to stop me - well, future me.
(inthisroom draws an Angel’s blade and laughs arrogantly.)
MeowMeowCat: You can’t have one of those. They belong to the Angels.
inthisroom: I’ve been around a while. Let’s just say I have...connections.
MeowMeowCat: Even if I die here, the other Angels, the ones higher up, they’ll stop you.
inthisroom: Oh, we’ll see about that.
(inthisroom stabs MeowMeowCat, and he is no more.)
DANIEELA: What do you know about the 66 seals?
mrpaper: Not much, just that if the Demons break them all, they release Lucifer.
DANIEELA: Have they made any progress?
mrpaper: Quite a bit, actually. But I’m sure a God of your caliber could kill Lucifer easily.
DANIEELA: Yeah...of course...are you really not worried about this at all?
mrpaper: Are you kidding me? We Shapeshifters, we love that everybody else is killing each other off.
DANIEELA: Very well then. If you won’t help, you’re of no use to me.
(DANIEELA reaches out her hand, and mrpaper is set ablaze.)
Timdood3: Looks like you’ve trapped me. Well, congratulations. Really, three pats on the back.
worldwideweb3: You know what they say. Third time’s a charm.
Timdood3: Now give me three good reasons why I shouldn’t kill you.
worldwideweb3: For one, I’m a bit out of your league here. Only the three Archangels are stronger than me. Well, four if you count...
Timdood3: Lucifer. I know. A third of the seals have already been broken.
worldwideweb3: Ah, yes, it’s truly tragic. We’re going to triple our efforts to...
Timdood3: Enough with the lies. How many Angels are even trying to stop the Demons? Three?
worldwideweb3: We all have our roles to play. And you still need to learn a thing or three. Goodbye.
(worldwideweb3 places his hand on Timdood3, who disappears.)