Some ideas, that I called the "Minor Spells"
Disturb (1
![Aether :aether](
Target creature won't attack next turn.
Air balloon (1
![Air :air](
Target creature gain "airborne" skill and loses it if damaged.
Blindness (1
![Darkness :darkness](
All creatures have 50% chance to miss next turn.
Disease (1
![Death :death](
Target creature has damage halved for next 3 turns.
Bury (1
![Earth :earth](
Target creature is now burrowed (1
![Earth :earth](
to unburrow)
Shuffle (1
![Entropy :entropy](
Shuffle your opponent's deck.
Heat (1
![Fire :fire](
All frozen creatures become unfrozed.
Battering ram (1
![Gravity :gravity](
Your creatures ignore shield effects this turn.
Fertile (1
![Life :life](
All permanents played this turn have effects doubled for 3 turns
Willpower (1
![Light :light](
Target creature won't die this turn and stay at 1 HP minimum.
Forgotten task (1
![Time :time](
Your opponent won't draw next turn.
Cold (1
![Water :water](
All frozen creatures will stay frozen 1 more turn.
I'm not very good doing art, some I'm posting here my ideas...