This is a thread I am creating to get some help from you guys to complete a series I been thinking up.
The series is the "scientific series", basically, a scientific law, theory, or whatever that has to do with the element and its relevant science.
So far (things in parenthesis are what I think the card should do in game) :
![Aether :aether](
- De Broglie–Bohm Theory (something to do with twin universe)
![Air :air](
- Kinetic Theory (something to do with unstable gas)
![Darkness :darkness](
- Black Drop Effect (maybe something to do with high hp)
![Death :death](
- Natural Selection (no idea... something to do with time and evolving probably)
![Earth :earth](
- Nitrogen Cycle (something to do with air)
![Entropy :entropy](
- Thermodynamic Equilibrium (maybe having all your quanta in your quanta pools evened out?)
![Fire :fire](
- Phlogiston Theory (weakens metallic/stone creatures?)
![Gravity :gravity](
- Schwarzschild Solution (something to do with blackhole and high hp)
![Life :life](
- Cell Theory (something to do with malignant cells)
![Light :light](
- Photoelectric Effect (change photons into ball lightings?)
![Time :time](
- Arrow of Time (no idea... maybe re-shuffle?)
![Water :water](
- Absolute Zero (some kind of mass freeze effect)