OldTrees, please show an example of how you would make a card using a justified pseudoquanta shortcut.
Thank you. ^_^
Better yet I will use Zanz's handiwork as an example.
The first pseudoquanta that was heard about was
was the mechanic of having a cost drain randomly from 1 or more pools of quanta until the cost was paid. This mechanic permitted cards that could be used by any quanta supply. This allowed Zanz to make cards that would be able to be used in any deck that had a non 0 cost.
It also allowed random quanta generation which allows a deck to play any card at a cost. This allowed Rainbow decks to be made which greatly increased the types of viable decks available to the player.
What types of cards would be justified in using
(note: I used the characteristics that justified the pseudoquanta to derive the characteristics that justified the usage.)
A card that costs
would be usable by all. So it needs to be useful to many. (useful to all would be poor design)
A card that generates
would be able to use all. So it needs to be able to support a variety of cards without becoming OP.
Shield & Quantum Pillar