How about "Draconic" or Draconian for an element. We can take full artistic license here and make the draconian element be a futuristic, force based, physical stacking element, thus combining all our ideas under an umbrella term, through an abstract idea of 'a kind of power the ancient dragon people used'
This is not bound by anything and unused, fully suitable as a word and concept, Draconic Quanta, is a kind of dragon magic that is elemental in nature.
For flavor, we say all the dragons in elements are lft from when the Draconic Empire left the realms. They are returning, from their distant city-space in the future.
We can tie, pretty much anything to this. Its abstract and can mean, and use, all of the ideas we have so far.
Even as OldTrees said, a set of sub-elements, implying the Draconics used each element in a new way, combining it with their Kinetic Energy, Force based, Stacking Element, that they have refined in the future.
So, for instance, a few cards
Draconian Paladin
6 Draconic
2 [Dr]: Target creature takes no damage from any source until the start of your next turn.
Draconic Disruptor
4 [Dr]
Permanent, Stacking
deal damage to target creature 3[Dr] (or Entropy)
damage = number of cards in this stack
Draconian TimeWalker
6 [Dr]
Timewalk: gain a counter per turn by using a time quanta, this is automatic. Use Timewalk, remove time walker from play for a number of turns equal to its current counters, then bring it back into play. Timewalker is exactly the same when it returns to play. Timewalker cannot be delayed or reverse timed
Draconian Mystic
3 [Dr]
2 [Dr]: target creature removes any negative statuses if allied
Draconian Shaman
4 [Dr]
2 [Dr]: remove a passive ability from target creature
Draconian Hive
8 [Dr]
Permanent, Stackable
4 [Dr]: Spawn a random dragon,
you can only make a dragon you can afford to cast, but reduce its casting cost by number of Hives in the stack times 2 (N*2)
just some thoughts.