I'd like to add in another suggestion : a 'Future' type element. While
is supposedly capable of
manipulation, prediction, and acceleration of Time, we have yet to see a thematic card that directly shows Time Elementals being able to actually
time travel into the future.
I'd like to suggest a future where this new element has come to prominence and has somehow used it's Time Synergy to create time travel, in which it decides to travel back in time to current ETG and conquer the original 12. This new element would likely focus on raising/lowering costs (see Miome/Xoros from the False Elements competition) based on certain variables (e.g. turn #, # of cards of the field, when a card is killed, etc...), and it's synergies with each other element are represented by a 'possible' function of each element that has yet to be represented in that element or an existing function that could be expanded upon into something much different. (E.g.
Manipulation -> Time Travel,
machines -> Modern/Futuristic Warfare w/aircraft,mecha, etc...,
Pragmatism -> Thieves/Mercenary Guild or Underground Bazaar)
So far ideas seem to keep being tossed around but no proposed theme seems to stick around long enough to get a lot of feedback. While new ideas are certainly acceptable, we may want to narrow down a bit.
Of the previous suggestions that haven't been fully shot down yet, we have:
A spell-based element.
A permanent-focused element(s). (Wood, Metal)
A direct opposite to Mind. (Body, Strength)
An element that focuses on stacking. (Strength)
A anti-element (Void - this begins to go into PseudoElement, though)