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New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:33:12 pm »
Frostbite: What if there were a new type of poison besides neurotoxin and plain poison?

Basically, Frostbite is a new status effect gained either as a side effect from being hit with ice bolt, or from being directly poisoned by the new spell card Frostbite. In addition to suffering poison damage, you also have the side effect of any creature you summon being frozen for three turns.

As said before, any creature you summon has a chance of being frozen for three turns. The chances of this are 20% + X, where X is the amount of poison counters you have multiplied by 5. So, if you have 12 "Frostbite Poison" counters, the chances of your creatures being frozen upon summoning are 80%.

You can obtain this effect via the standalone card or as a chance from Ice Bolt. The chance from getting Frostbite from Ice Bolt is 15% + X, where X is the number of bolts you hit the opponent with multiplied by 10. So, if you were hit with eight or more bolts, you are pretty much guaranteed to have caught Frostbite from that. This gives another reason for the player to use bolts on the opponent rather than the creatures.

Frostbite Poison counters can be cleared by using Purify, just as any other poison in the game would be cleared. Frostbite can't be given to creatures and in the event it is, it will simply be transferred into regular poison, without the side effect of Frostbite.

Purpose: Why is this needed?
This isn't needed. It would just be nice to have additional status effects besides neurotoxin and plain poison.
As said before, this would be a side effect obtainable as a random chance from hitting the opponent with Ice Bolt, or as a standalone card. This is essentially a buff to Ice Bolt and a buff to :water altogether. The CC of water is already strong enough and some may say that the CC of water isn't meant to contend with the CC of fire, but I believe that :water and :fire should be on par in terms of CC.

TL;DR Version
Frostbite is a status effect.
It can be given to the opponent via a side chance from Ice Bolt and a guarantee via the standalone card.
It gives poison damage, but in addition, has a chance of freezing whatever creatures you play from your hand from three turns.

Hope to hear some feedback for this idea.

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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2015, 09:53:35 pm »
The "freezing whatever creatures you play from your hand for three turns" part sounds a bit too much to me.
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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2015, 09:55:21 pm »
The "freezing whatever creatures you play from your hand for three turns" part sounds a bit too much to me.

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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2015, 10:03:37 pm »
Giving a rush (nymph rush comes to mind) a 2-3 turns headstart (depending on when you get the card)?

Unless the frostbite spell is expensive.
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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2015, 10:08:02 pm »
I was thinking that the Frostbite Spell Card would cost 6 :water normally and 5 :water upgraded.

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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2015, 11:52:15 pm »
As it is, normal Poison adds to your neuro counter. If Frostbite were to work in line with that, it'd be much too easy to rack up, plus you'd just be splashing the Frostbite spell which means it'd be more of a buff to Death.

If coded so that Frostbite removes normal and neuro poison and is removed by normal or neuro poison, it'd work.

Worth mentioning that Ice Bolt increases its odds of freezing by 5% per damage dealt, not 10% per "bolt hit". The Frostbite proc % would probably work the same. Also worth mentioning that no card in the game currently has two possible effects that can both occur. Ice Bolt would be the first in that it could freeze and frostbite something.

If Frostbite and Ice Bolt can add 1 counter for each card, your maximum frostbite counter would be 12. This would be fairly weak, but still usable. I imagine you'd never use the Frostbite card if so, however. You'd just be using Ice Bolts because they're a good choice and the frostbite effect would just be icing on the cake.

If Frostbite added 2 counters, it'd replace Poison in Chrysaora decks and it'd also be used in Bolt+Frostbite decks, but wouldn't find much use elsewhere due to its cost. Would be a decent way to deal with immaterials though, and fits well into water stalls/some domins.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 11:55:36 pm by Higurashi »
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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2015, 09:51:49 am »
Always examine your premises:
What if it was a status effect that was not poison? If the goal is to add new status effects, adding Poison #5342 is not as effective as adding a non poison effect.
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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2015, 10:16:01 am »
Freezing for 1-2 turns all the creatures played from the hand is indeed powerful enough if it's made with a simple permanent
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Re: New Status Effect: Frostbite (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2015, 11:47:05 am »
Frostbite is better off not being poison then.
Freezing creatures for two turns sounds better than three.

