I changed the title because people posted buffs as well.
I thought it would be a good idea to list ideas for new buffs and debuffs that we could use in card ideas. We already have poison, freeze, etc. What else could there be?
Heavyweight | Attack is doubled. Attacks have a 50 % chance of missing. |
Critical: | Every attack has a 10 % chance of dealing 5 times the normal damage. |
Malice: | Attack damage is converted to poison damage. |
Weaken | Creature loses one attack point per turn. |
Dazed | Creature has 60% chance to miss. |
Converted | Creature attacks owners quanta pool. |
Pillar-kind | As an additional cost to play this creature, sacrifice a pillar of it's element |
Soul Link | whenever the creature takes damage it is instead directed to the owner (like a reverse gravity pull) |
Blind | Creature has a 50% miss chance |
Bleeding | Costs 1 quanta of the appropriate type for turn for the next three turns. If an appropriate quanta is not found, it dies. |
Slowed | The creature goes into stasis every time it attacks. |
Unstable | Has a 20% chance of dying each round |
Exhaustion | Creature's special abilities require more quanta to use (double or triple the amount). |
Rejuvenate | Creature recovers HP over time (a counter to poison), but deals significantly less damage (X%). |
Burning | Every time the creature successfully causes damage, they lose 1 AP (a Sundial or shield can prevent the burn effect). |
Shrink | Turn the target creature into some small creature, like a photon or dragonfly or something. |
Forgotten | The creature cannot be targeted by its owner. |
Soul Bound | The creature won't die, but will go back to owner's hand (if hand is full it is discarded, instead of dead - won't feed graveyard/bonewall/vulture) |
Reverberate | When target creature receives damage, the owner of that creature receives the same amount of damage. |
Massive Swing | Attack is doubled but stuck in a time bubble for the next turn |
Chaotic | Randomly change the atk/hp to a sum of its original atk/hp (basically meaning if a creature was 3/3 it could become a 1/5 or 5/1 or anything inbetween) |
Scizophrenia | The card turns into a random creature every turn. |
De-armored | Target creature receives +1 damage from all incoming damage sources. |
Sickness | Target creatures gains 1 poison counter per turn. Surrounding creatures are poisoned if target creature survives for 2 or more turns. |
Struggle | Target creature's ability cost 2 more quanta to use. |
Combustion | Target creature receives one damage per turn. When target creature dies, all adjacent creatures receive 1 damage. This status is stackable. Damage to surrounding creatures when target creatures has more than 1 combustion is N where N equals total stack count of combustion divided by 2. |
Mobility | Target creatures moves to an adjacent empty space and the end of each turn. Flood spaces are seen as empty to this status. |
Traitor | the creature card swaps to the other side |
Wounded | Creature takes 50% extra damage from all sources |
Pacify | Target creature can still use its active ability, but cannot attack. (This includes the attacks of Adrenaline) |
Phasing | Place a doomclock on target creature. When doomclock hits 0, target creature is removed from play. |
Enfeeble | If target's HP or Attack is higher than the other, equalize both to the lower value. (For a 1|2 creature, it'd bring it down to 1|1; for a Ruby Dragon, it'd go from 15|2 to 2|2) |
Sacrifice | When target creature uses it's ability, it dies. |
Exhausted | After target creature attacks, put it into a time bubble for 2 turns, remove Exhausted status. |
Berserker | Attacks are doubled for three rounds, then creature collapses of exhaustion (is removed from play) |
coming undone | target creatures gains -1/-1 every turn. |
Leader | gains +1/1 (up to 10) for each creature from the same element of the creature in play |
Hinder | Creature suffers -2|-1 and (if currently under it's effects) loses the Momentum buff. |
Terror | Creature cannot attack if the enemy has a creature with greater hp |
suffocation | inflicted creature loses 1 max health every turn, not stackable. |
CHANGE | the target creature takes a random ability |
Transfer | Two creatures are targeted; the first gives the second 1 hp every turn |
Mixed Blessing | Target creature gains -1|+1 every turn (even after it reaches 0/x) |
Split | Target creature splits into two every turn, attack and hp divided equally between them. Only one will retain the ability it had. (For example, a 12|3 creature with burrow would become two 6|1 creatures, one with burrow, and the next turn four 3|0 creatures, and again, one with burrow) |
Berserk | Creature randomly attacks any creature on the field, including your own. (except self) All other skills are removed. |
Reversal | Creature's attack and health are reversed. *A 6/1 creature becomes a 1/6.* |
Shuffle | Shuffle target players hand back into their deck and re-draws the same amount of cards they had back into their hand. |
Unique | Only one type of this creature can be on the field at a time. Remove all other copies of this creature from the field. |
Tremor | All creatures on the field receive 2 damage. Burrowed creatures receive double damage (4). Flying creatures are unaffected. |
Hurricane | All creatures on the field take 2 damage. Flying creatures take double damage (4). Burrowed creatures are unaffected. |