Burned: Creature has a 50% chance to do half damage and a 50% chance to take 1 damage. It the creature dies, it turns into an ash eater. Fire creatures are unaffected.
Hypnotized: Creature absorbs 5 quanta from it's owner every turn and heals the opponent for the same amount.
Thunderstruck: Creature is petrified for 3 turns and loses 1 attack every turn while it is petrified.
Befuddled: Creature attacks creature with the highest HP on either side of the field, not including itself.
Empowered: Creature gains +1/+1 every turn until attack and defense are both higher than 7.
Crystalline: Creature has attack reduced to 1, but reflects all spell damage cast on it to the opponent.
Might come up with more later. Also, topic says "buuf" instead of "buff"