Now that that is out of the way, I was thinking about this topic on the way to work this morning and it caused me to start thinking about Burrow in general. I have come up with several ideas surrounding the mechanic. Not necessarily change the mechanic, because I think it is fine how it works now, but rather find new ways to incorporate it into the game. Before I post them, however, I thought I would ask the community the proper etiquette for such things. Should I post them here, make a new post with this idea attached, should I reference this post in a new topic if one should exist; if one does exist can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance, (smiley face)
The rules are:
In the main Card Idea section ( there is a READ THIS FIRST thread (!/). So you would create new threads (1 per card idea) in that section in accord with the formatting rules in the READ THIS FIRST thread.
Etiquette beyond the rules:
Besides the general "be polite and welcome criticism", this forum put an emphasis on "reasoning" and "quality over quantity". So just go in with the expectation that every idea will need to be worked on and can be improved somehow.
There are no Etiquette rules about putting links between the Crab? card idea thread and this thread. So do what you think makes sense.