I believe you have several redundancies/omissions in your listing. (Although sometimes redundancies can be ideal for clarity/reference)
1) Objects: Cards
You have this limited to just Cards inField(a very common status, but a status). This is most evident in Object: Hands which you are using to describe Cards inHand rather than the Hand itself (compare to Object: Fields).
2) Object: Spell
Spells are transient objects (specifically a subset of Cards) that are rarely referenced by card ideas. Even when referenced they are usually referenced indirectly by referencing the related event (cast/play a spell) instead of the object in question.
3) Stats: Health, Stats: Stats of Creatures & Stats: Maximum Health
Player Health and Creature Health seem like the same stat. I don't see the reason for the distinction (players merely lack an Attack stat. Or is the Player's attack 0 but adjusted by the equipped weapon ?

4) Stats: Amount/Quantity of Object X inObjectY
While these are referenced separately, they are a family of stats.
5) Stats: Cost of Object X inObjectY
While usually the object is selected based upon its status before asking about its cost, this does not make cost more than 1 stat. Although I do think Cost of a skill would be a separate stat (since I would consider having a particular skill to be a qualitative stat).
6) Stats: Turns since Event
Currently you only have turns since start of the game. However see Dimensional Shield
7) Stats: Hit Rate of Creature
Is this a Stat or a randomized effect triggered by the Attacking event?
8] Stats: Element of Object
Probably an ideal example of redundancy serving clarity
9) Status: isFrozen
This is the first example of a class of status effects that, for lack of a better name at this time, I would call added status effects. Added not in the sense of applied to a creature in a game, but rather added as in not part of the basic card pool. These statuses all have the card pool traits of: Cards that reference this status effect require both a minimum number of Cards with this status effect and the status to have a minimum percentage of usage. The structure of the different added status effects can vary those minimums, however the existence of those minimums contributes to a maximum number of added status effects (both as a function of the size of the card pool and as a limit independent of the card pool size).
10) Status: isDamaged, isBlocking, isGaining, (isBuffing StatX?)
Instantaneous Statuses are probably better classified as Events.
11) Status: isSlicing
Isn't this isAttacking?
12) Event: Created vs Generated
I am sure you don't need to specify losing a card
13) Events
Sidenote: Events can be broken down further for timing specifications like "starts to attack" "attacks" "finishes an attack". This variation is not worth stating in the table.