What existing themes in Elements the Game do you think are the most underused (In the game or in card suggestions)?
In game there are a few themes that are explored and then left alone.

Aether for example we see that it is the element of dimensions. What dimensions are

Aether elementals free to explore?

Air elementals suffer from the severe lack of a theme of skies and winds. We generally only see for

Air increases of attack and quanta efficiency, it really just needs a defining niche to bring it together.

Earth is often commonly associated with defense, however the issue here is that endurance is not promoted in the game. Veteran players will tell you that the decks that will do the best in terms of electrum/hour are rushes. As the game does not currently promote endurance, it is difficult at best to continue the extension of the enduring nature of

Earth and have it become a potential threat against other elements. While true that the Graboid is the powerhouse of

, it does not truely reflect the themes of


Gravity has the themes of weight (large amounts of HP) and focus shifting. The theme of weight has been explored sufficiently but can continue to grow,

Gravity needs to show in what other ways as an element it can push or pull in-game factors.

Life at times confuses me. Being the element of

Life, it is impressive that it is not the main element of healing, and more importantly, that its healing is not used as an effective PvP strategy.

Life is great at being the element of creature spamming as seen through the Frog and Mitosis, and other cheap creatures, but if 1 card is played, all that effort was in vain.

Life, in my opinion needs to find other ways to manipulate health and healing to present effective PvP strategies. (See
Chi Force)

Light is impressively the element of healing. I think it may have been designed this way in order to represent the proud nature of

Light, ignoring anything thrown its way. It has however overshadowed the element of

Life in healing. Commonly suggested is the "kind" nature often seen as a theme of

Light (see
Donate, and

Time is clearly defined as the element of card advantage, however it could use a broader definition of time for its mechanisms.

Time could become the element of pendulums (see
Clockworker), and could also be the ideal element to encourage longer matches, with rewards worth your time (see

Time could also be the element with cost-efficient cards which can be played only on certain turns, especially with its card advantage in Golden Hourglass.

Water demonstrates impressive mastery over freezing, but in the end freezing is just a delay. Rarely is freezing seen to differentiate itself much from a simple delay. In the same way

Air needs cards to expand and empower the airborne passive,

Water needs a way to bring together its Flooding with the rest of its arsenal (see
Strider). It also deserves other ways to make use of frozen cards, maybe frozen cards could provide some resource.



Entropy and

Death (to a lesser degree) could be considered complete in the sense that they manage to have significant thematic ways of dealing with other decks of the metagame, however that is not to say that they cannot continue to receive thematic additions to their arsenals.
Hopefully this answers the question.