1. Counter quantum cards > A neutral card that cast five to cast. It becomes a quantum generate. Generating 5 random quantums per turn. Can only be used once, Is discarded after use. So you can save it for when u need it BUT only once. So for instance the third turn after you put it out when u use it it would give you 15 quantums (not sure if they should be random or match your mark)
2. Remove Immaterial> either green or dark. Cost = The # of turns gone by
3. quantum stealer permanent> steals quantums from opponent = steals quantum = to turns played.
4.Unicorn>green> can assume any creature ability. Casting cost 4 Quantum. Ability> steal ability cost> casting cost plus ability cost of creature it imitates.
noxious gas> cause 1 point poisoning for every 8 quantum used by opponent poisoning is NOT accumulative for THIS card
Beat down> dark> causes both players to lose 4 health each turn
I'll add more in the future