Hrm...After going back and checking the OP, perhaps we should look at the discard effects, or the slow implementation.

create a weakened virus.
Said virus could have 0/1 (I'd make it 0/0 so it dies, but that wouldn't work out well.)
And this could thus be a delayed poison target creature eternal spell.
For Discard effects, perhaps it could be a 'passive' so as to reduce wording complexity...
Perhaps, if you discard an Eternal spell, it grants a boost to the opponent?
Like, discard a

eternal, and your opponent gets some

The idea is, Eternal spells are so potent, that when you discard them, it releases quanta matching that eternal spell's element...Thought we could make it match the opponent's mark, so as to make the extra quanta easier to use and actually helpful to the opponent.
Another effect might be spawning a creature on your side of the field that acts like a weaker version of Singularity.