I have given both of these very little thought, but they popped into my head and I wanted to get them into the forums before they got lost...it is a frightening place in
there... ???
BRILLIANT IDEA ONE!umm...crap...what was it again..
Devour being able to eat a player with less life than it's toughness. (maybe half it's toughness, if it is too OP) Creatures with the ability DEVOUR are able to 'eat' a player with HP less than 5
have to admit that would be hilarious and I don't think it would be terribly unbalanced.
My only real concern was scarabs, but, once you have enough to be significant out you are MAYBE going to nom someone under 24ish HP and by that point they are pretty much dead anyway [given that you have an army and they are low on HP]. I LOVE the 'unwritten abilities' that a few cards have, and expanding on them, while another topic entirely, would be wonderful...this would be one such thing towards that end.
[EDIT]: After much deliberation and personal analyzing...and MAYBE a liiiiiitle help from dragonsdemesne...I think this idea would make BssyBlood on the Oty a bit overpowered.
SUPER CLEVER IDEA 'B'The card Relic (
http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/cards-other/relic-relic/) is placed in to replace a few other cards in the spinner...it exists to be sold. What if those cards, upped or not, where always replaced with the unupped relic, and upping it made it into one of a new series of rares? The new rares I had in mind where Weapon/Shield cards that could only be obtained from upping Relics. Maybe, high-damage weapons with low-power secondary abilities and shields with abilities that you need to pay to use? Anywho, the base idea is what I was looking at, not the 'stuff the relic becomes'...
that is all 8)