Wing of Ikarus
Cost: 3 ![Air :air](
Card text:
Target a creature with an attack power less than 6.
The creature gains flight and the ability:
: Dive. At the end of the turn dive is used this creature suffers 1 fire damage.
I have a modification idea for this:
Cost: 2
![Air :air](
Target a creature with an attack power less than 11.
Creature gains Dive (1
![Air :air](
): The target creature may cast dive once, but loses the ability as well as 3/1 afterward.
Example: A shrieker (not upgraded) with 8attack/3health can be cast on with Wing of Ikarus, and gain dive. Next turn it can use it for 1
![Air :air](
and will attack for 16 damage. Once it is used the shrieker will lose the ability and have 5attack/2health.
The cost of the spell is cheap considering that the creature needs to pay 1
![Air :air](
to use the ability afterward, and that once it used the creature is left more vulnerable, and weaker than before.