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Catapult like Weighting Schemes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42726.msg532750#msg532750
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:59:29 pm »
Catapult weighting can be useful to prevent / balance OTK from abilities or spells. The catapult itself uses a "reduced mass" (as in the physics term) to calculate damage dealt based on creature hp.

 damage = (hp*100)/(hp+100).

This ensures that a creature will never do more than 100 damage to a player, no matter how high the hitpoints I thought it might be useful to see how this scales for weighting schemes under 100 (eg 75,67,50,33,25 -> 3/4 , 2/3, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 max player hp). (The damage gets rounded up I believe)

Perhaps the most useful thing here is to see where diminishing returns start.
To find this, look for where the damage entry matches the hp entry (first column):
For instance, a 25 point weighted "catapult" sees diminishing returns starting at 5 hp, whereas the 100 point (standard) catapult sees diminishing returns starting at 10 hp.
Here is the image of the results I get from mathematica (as a png because formating to a table form for here is a nightmare)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:01:19 pm by OdinVanguard »
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
You might be a unix junky

